Latest publications in the BORME for Málaga on 19/11/2024

Latest publications in the BORME for Málaga on 19/11/2024. Check the changes and movements for all corporations registered.

Companies Action type Date State
TEN AND WALKER SL Constitución 19/11/2024 MÁLAGA
TMSL CONSULTING SL Nombramientos 19/11/2024 MÁLAGA
TONGATAPU SL Ceses/Dimisiones 19/11/2024 MÁLAGA
TORMEDICA SL Ceses/Dimisiones 19/11/2024 MÁLAGA
TRANSPORTES TOPTOPFAST SL Cambio de domicilio social 19/11/2024 MÁLAGA
VERGIL INVERSIONES SL Ceses/Dimisiones 19/11/2024 MÁLAGA
VIVAGYM EXPANSION SL Cambio de denominación social 19/11/2024 MÁLAGA
WEBGO SL Cambio de objeto social 19/11/2024 MÁLAGA
YARISIA INVESTMENTS SL Ampliación de capital 19/11/2024 MÁLAGA
ZEMIB INVEST SL Ceses/Dimisiones 19/11/2024 MÁLAGA