Senior Management

  • 3 positions in 2 companies
Last company where he held a position


La última vez que ha aparecido Antonio Nonell Cucurell en el BORME es por su nombramiento como Apoderado en ALDEA CANARIA SL.

Cesó su participación como Administrador único de esta empresa en April de 2004.

This company has its headquarters in Las Palmas and undertakes its business in the tenencia, disfrute, compraventa y explotacion, en arrendamiento o mediantecualquier otra forma juridica, de inmuebles urbanos, terrenos urbanizableso aptos paraurbanizar y no urbanizables... sector.

  • Activity
    Real estate activities
  • Address
    Located in LAS PALMAS
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GRUP NONELLCU SA Administrador único

On 28 de April de 2016, the employment of Antonio Nonell Cucurell was terminated with the company GRUP NONELLCU SA, where they participated as Administrador único.

With registered office in Toledo, it undertakes its business in the explotación y el desarrollo de la actividad agrícola y ganadera... sector.

  • Activity
    Real estate activities

More information about ANTONIO NONELL CUCURELL is available in the director profile:

company card
director profile
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