Senior Management

  • 8 positions in 6 companies
Last company where he held a position


Su último cambio en publicado en el BORME fue en December de 2019 donde empezó a participar como Liquidador.

On 13 de December de 2019, the employment of Hernandez Sanchez Carmen was terminated with the company CULEBRILLA SL, where they participated as Administrador único.

Cesó su participación como Liquidador de esta empresa en December de 2019.

With registered office in Alicante, it undertakes its business in the compraventa y alquiler de embarcaciones de recreo... sector.

  • Activity
    Administrative and support service activities
  • Address
    Located in ALICANTE
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Other companies in which they hold a position


HAURARO SL Liquidador

Hernandez Sanchez Carmen is currently the Liquidador at this company.

On 16 de November de 2015, the employment of Hernandez Sanchez Carmen was terminated with the company HAURARO SL, where they participated as Administrador único.

Cesó su participación como Liquidador de esta empresa en November de 2015.

This Alicante-based company operates in actividades inmobiliarias... sector.

  • Activity
    Real estate activities

GOANCHI 2010 SL Administrador único

Hernandez Sanchez Carmen is currently the Administrador único at this company.

This Alicante-based company operates in el asesoramiento jurídico, fiscal y financiero... sector.

  • Activity
    Actividades profesionales, científicas y técnicas

CARABELA 2000 SL Administrador único

El día 29 de June de 2001 se registró su nombramiento como Administrador único de esta empresa.

This company undertakes its business in the la prestación de servicios mecanográficos, taquigráficos, de reproducción de escritos, planos y documentos... sector in Alicante.

  • Activity
    Administrative and support service activities

More information about HERNANDEZ SANCHEZ CARMEN is available in the director profile:

company card
director profile
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