Senior Management

  • 4 positions in 2 companies
Last company where he held a position

MONTE EL CRESPO SL Administrador solidario

Su última modificación en el BORME respecto a los cargos que tiene es de September de 2013, cuando fue nombrado como Administrador solidario de MONTE EL CRESPO SL.

Participaba como Administrador único de esta empresa pero cesó su actividad en September de 2013.

This company has its registered office in Madrid and works in the hunting, trapping and related service activities... sector.

  • Activity
    Agricultura, ganadería, silvicultura y pesca
  • employees
    18 employees
  • turnover
    1.66 million € turnover
  • Address
    Located in MADRID
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They held several positions in this company but were terminated in February de 2002 from the following positions: Liquidador, Administrador único.

It undertook its business in Madrid in the la compraventa y arrendamiento de todas clases de fincas rusticas, incluidos cotos de caza; la compraventa al por mayor y menor de caza; la organizacion y administracion de monterias y cacerias... sector.

More information about LANDALUCE DOMINGUEZ JOSE MANUEL is available in the director profile:

company card
director profile
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Senior management related to LANDALUCE DOMINGUEZ JOSE MANUEL