Senior Management

  • 4 positions in 3 companies
Last company where he held a position

ATLANTIC VIAL MADRID SL Administrador único

La última vez que ha aparecido Lechuga Garcia Oscar en el BORME es por su nombramiento como Administrador único en ATLANTIC VIAL MADRID SL.

This company has its registered office in Madrid and works in the la realizacion de servicios de intermediacion relacionados con el movimiento de mercancias a la mediana y pequeña empresa... sector.

  • Address
    Located in MADRID
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They also participate in this company

TRANSPARENT 2000 BCN SL Administrador

They hold different positions in this Barcelona: Administrador, Apoderado-based company.

This company has its headquarters in Barcelona and undertakes its business in the other activities connected to transport... sector.

  • Activity
    Transportation and storage

ATLANTIC VIAL SL Administrador

Desde el día 9 de July de 1998, Lechuga Garcia Oscar ostenta el cargo de Administrador.

This company has its registered office in Barcelona and works in the transporte de mercancías por carretera... sector.

  • Activity
    Transportation and storage

More information about LECHUGA GARCIA OSCAR is available in the director profile:

company card
director profile
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