Senior Management

  • 2 positions in 2 companies
Last company where he held a position


La última vez que ha aparecido Ramos Plaza Constantino en el BORME es por su nombramiento como Apoderado en PUBLIVYCO SL.

They work in Madrid in the el asesoramiento y la prestacion de servicios y trabajos de publicidad exterior...... sector.

  • Activity
    Actividades profesionales, científicas y técnicas
  • employees
    5 employees
  • turnover
    Less than 2 million euros turnover
  • Address
    Located in MADRID
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director profile
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RAPEX SL Apoderado

On 28 de January de 2014, the employment of Ramos Plaza Constantino was terminated with the company RAPEX SL, where they participated as Apoderado.

Esta empresa tenía su sede social en Madrid y desarrollaba su negocio en el sector de advertising and market research....

  • Activity
    Actividades profesionales, científicas y técnicas

More information about RAMOS PLAZA CONSTANTINO is available in the director profile:

company card
director profile
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Senior management related to RAMOS PLAZA CONSTANTINO