BORME summary in A CORUÑA on 2024-07-22.

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of A Coruña

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of A Coruña

Report Date: July 22, 2024

This report provides a detailed analysis of the main events recorded in the Commercial Registry of A Coruña, highlighting the most relevant acts and their impact on the business fabric of the province. Below, the most significant events are described, illustrated with examples of notable companies.


The number of recorded appointment acts amounts to 57. This type of act is crucial for the management and direction of companies, as it involves the designation of new positions in the administrative bodies. An example of a company with an appointment act is ABANCA CORPORACION BANCARIA SA, an entity with a share capital of 2,476,208,900.00 euros.


7 incorporation acts have been recorded, indicating the creation of new companies in the province. This is a positive indicator of economic dynamism and entrepreneurship. Although no specific examples are available in the provided context, this data reflects a trend of business growth.


The resignation acts total 19, reflecting the termination of functions of certain positions within companies. This type of act may be related to internal restructurings or changes in business strategy.


2 revocation acts have been recorded, implying the annulment of previously granted powers. An example is ABANCA CORPORACION BANCARIA SA, which has recorded a revocation act.

Sole Proprietorships

There are 3 sole proprietorship acts, indicating that a company becomes a single-member company. This type of change may be motivated by capital concentration or simplification of the corporate structure.

Address Changes

4 address change acts have been recorded, reflecting the need for companies to adapt to new locations to improve their operations or access new markets.

Statutory Modifications

With 14 statutory modification acts, there is a significant trend towards adapting the social statutes of companies to new realities or business strategies. An example of a company with statutory modification acts is LIGNITOS DE MEIRAMA SA.

Capital Increases

No capital increase acts have been recorded in the analyzed period. This data may indicate stability in the share capital of companies or a lack of need for new capital injections for expansion.


1 dissolution act has been recorded, implying the closure of a company. This is a negative indicator, although isolated, of business activity in the province.


With 5 re-election acts, the continuity in the administrative bodies of companies is highlighted, which may be an indicator of stability and confidence in the current management.

Bankruptcy Situations

1 bankruptcy situation act has been recorded, indicating that a company has entered an insolvency process. This is an indicator of financial difficulties within the business fabric.

Changes in Corporate Purpose

There are 2 acts of change in corporate purpose, reflecting the adaptation of companies to new lines of business. An example is INDUSTRIA DE DISEÑO TEXTIL SA, which expanded its corporate purpose to include the manufacture and commercialization of household products, cosmetics, and leather goods.

Changes in Corporate Name

1 act of change in corporate name has been recorded, which may reflect a rebranding strategy or a merger between companies.

Capital Reductions

No capital reduction acts have been recorded, which may indicate stability in the capital structure of companies.

Expansions of Corporate Purpose

No acts of expansion of corporate purpose have been recorded in the analyzed period.

Changes to Sole Proprietorship

1 act of change to sole proprietorship has been recorded, indicating a restructuring in the ownership of the company.

Losses of Sole Proprietorship

No acts of loss of sole proprietorship have been recorded.


No extinction acts have been recorded, indicating that there have been no definitive closures of companies beyond the aforementioned dissolution act.


1 merger act has been recorded, which may be a positive indicator of consolidation and strengthening of the business fabric.

Transformations of Society

No acts of transformation of society have been recorded, which may indicate stability in the legal forms of companies.


In summary, the analysis of the Commercial Registry of A Coruña reveals a dynamic business environment with a significant number of appointments and resignations, as well as adaptations in social statutes. The creation of new companies and stability in share capital are positive indicators, although the presence of dissolution acts and bankruptcy situations highlight areas of concern. Mergers and changes in corporate purpose reflect constant adaptation to new market realities.