BORME summary in A CORUÑA on 2024-07-29.

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of A Coruña

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of A Coruña

Date: July 29, 2024

The financial analysis of the Commercial Registry of A Coruña for the mentioned date is based on a series of registered acts that reflect the business dynamics in the region. Below are the most relevant facts:

Commercial Registry: A Coruña

The Commercial Registry of A Coruña has registered a total of 6 appointment acts, indicating considerable activity in the designation of new positions within companies. This may reflect a renewal in business management or the expansion of companies requiring new executive positions.


5 acts of company constitutions have been registered. This number suggests a favorable environment for the creation of new business entities in A Coruña, which is a positive indicator of economic growth and business confidence in the region.


Only 1 resignation act has been registered, which can be interpreted as a sign of stability in the executive positions of existing companies. A low number of resignations is generally positive, as it suggests continuity in management and possible satisfaction with the performance of current executives.


No revocation acts have been registered, which is an indicator of stability in business decisions and confidence in the current company leaders.

Sole Proprietorships

3 sole proprietorship acts have been registered, indicating the existence of companies owned by a single individual. This type of business structure can be advantageous for quick decision-making and efficient management.

Address Changes

1 address change act has been registered. This data may reflect a strategic relocation of a company to improve its operations or access new markets.

Statutory Modifications

3 statutory modification acts have been registered, suggesting that several companies are adapting their statutes to new realities or market needs. Statutory modifications can include changes in the corporate purpose, capital structure, or internal operating rules of the company.

Capital Increases

1 capital increase act has been registered, which is an indicator that at least one company has decided to increase its share capital. This can be a sign of expansion or the need for financing for new projects.


No dissolution acts have been registered, which is a positive sign of business stability in the region. The absence of dissolutions suggests that existing companies are operating sustainably.


No re-election acts have been registered, which could indicate that there has been no need to reconfirm executives in their positions, possibly due to stability in management.

Bankruptcy Situations

No bankruptcy situation acts have been registered, which is a very positive indicator as it suggests that there are no companies in the region facing insolvency or severe financial problems.

Changes of Purpose

1 change of purpose act has been registered, indicating that a company has decided to modify its corporate purpose. This could be a strategy to diversify its activities or adapt to new business opportunities.

Name Changes

No name change acts have been registered, suggesting that companies are maintaining their original names, possibly to preserve their identity and market recognition.

Capital Reductions

1 capital reduction act has been registered, which may indicate a financial restructuring within a company. Capital reductions can be used to adjust the company's financial structure or return capital to shareholders.

Purpose Expansions

No purpose expansion acts have been registered, suggesting that companies have not needed to expand their activities beyond what is already established in their statutes.

Changes in Sole Proprietorships

No changes in sole proprietorship acts have been registered, indicating that there have been no transformations in the ownership structure of sole proprietorship companies.

Losses of Sole Proprietorship

No losses of sole proprietorship acts have been registered, suggesting that sole proprietorship companies have maintained their structure without needing to incorporate new partners.


No extinction acts have been registered, which is a positive indicator that there have been no definitive closures of companies in the region.


No merger acts have been registered, suggesting that there have been no company consolidations during the analyzed period.

Company Transformations

No company transformation acts have been registered, indicating that companies have maintained their legal form without needing to make significant structural changes.

In summary, the Commercial Registry of A Coruña reflects a situation of stability and moderate growth in the region. The creation of new companies and stability in executive positions are positive signs for the business environment. The absence of dissolutions and bankruptcy situations also highlights a healthy financial outlook for companies in A Coruña.