
BORME summary in ALICANTE on 2024-07-22.
Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Alicante/Alacant
Report date: July 22, 2024
This financial analysis focuses on the most relevant data from the commercial registry of Alicante/Alacant, highlighting the most significant acts that have taken place in this province. Below, the most relevant facts are detailed along with examples of notable companies.
The number of recorded appointment acts is 16. This data reflects dynamism in business management, indicating changes in the direction and administration of companies. An example of a company with activity in appointments is Laguna Verde Salada SL, which has recorded one appointment in its history.
10 constitution acts have been recorded, suggesting a favorable environment for the creation of new companies in the region. This data is encouraging for local economic growth.
The number of termination acts is 7, indicating changes in managerial positions that may be related to internal restructurings or strategic changes.
No revocation acts have been recorded, which can be interpreted as stability in the decisions previously made by companies.
Sole Proprietorships
2 sole proprietorship acts have been recorded, indicating the creation of single-person companies, where one person owns the company.
Address Changes
Only 1 address change act has been recorded, suggesting geographical stability in the companies' headquarters.
Statutory Modifications
2 statutory modification acts have been recorded, indicating adjustments in the companies' bylaws to adapt to new regulations or strategies. An example is Juani SL, which has recorded a statutory modification.
Capital Increases
1 capital increase act has been recorded, reflecting an injection of financial resources into a company to boost its growth or expansion.
1 dissolution act has been recorded, indicating the closure of a company. This data is relevant to understand the dynamism and challenges of the local market.
2 re-election acts have been recorded, suggesting continuity in the management of some companies. An example is Explotaciones Agrarias Salinetas SA, which has recorded a re-election.
Bankruptcy Situations
2 bankruptcy situation acts have been recorded, indicating that some companies are experiencing significant financial difficulties.
Object Changes
No object change acts have been recorded, suggesting that companies maintain their main activities without modifications.
Name Changes
1 name change act has been recorded, which may be related to rebranding or strategic changes in a company's identity.
Capital Reductions
No capital reduction acts have been recorded, indicating that companies have not needed to adjust their share capital downwards.
Object Expansions
No object expansion acts have been recorded, suggesting that companies have not expanded their main activities.
Sole Proprietorship Changes
No sole proprietorship change acts have been recorded, indicating stability in the ownership structures of companies.
Loss of Sole Proprietorship
No loss of sole proprietorship acts have been recorded, suggesting that sole proprietorships maintain their structure.
No extinction acts have been recorded, which is a positive indicator of the continuity of companies in the region.
1 merger act has been recorded, indicating a process of business consolidation in the region.
Company Transformations
No company transformation acts have been recorded, suggesting that companies maintain their original legal forms.
In summary, the commercial registry of Alicante/Alacant shows dynamic and varied business activity, with a significant number of appointments and constitutions, as well as some dissolution and bankruptcy situation acts. Companies such as Juani SL and Explotaciones Agrarias Salinetas SA stand out in the registry for their acts of statutory modifications and re-elections, respectively. These data reflect an active and constantly evolving business environment, with a balance between stability and change.