BORME summary in ALICANTE on 2024-09-11.
Financial Analysis of the Alicante/Alacant Commercial Registry
Analysis date: 2024-09-11
This financial analysis focuses on the most relevant data from the Alicante/Alacant Commercial Registry, highlighting the most significant acts recorded in various companies in the region. Below are the most relevant facts regarding acts of appointments, incorporations, resignations, revocations, sole proprietorships, address changes, statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, re-elections, bankruptcy situations, object changes, name changes, capital reductions, object expansions, sole proprietorship changes, sole proprietorship losses, extinctions, mergers, and company transformations.
Acts of Appointments
The total number of acts of appointments recorded is 38. This figure indicates significant activity in terms of changes and assignments of new executive positions in the companies of the region. A notable example is the company CONSTRUCCIONES Y SERVICIOS SOL Y MAR SL, which has recorded 1 act of appointment.
Acts of Incorporations
A total of 14 acts of incorporations have been recorded, reflecting dynamism in the creation of new companies in Alicante/Alacant. This is a positive figure, suggesting a favorable environment for entrepreneurship and investment.
Acts of Resignations
The number of acts of resignations amounts to 20. This figure can be interpreted as a turnover in executive positions or strategic changes in company management. For example, the company INDE TRUCK SL has recorded 1 act of resignation.
Acts of Revocations
Eight acts of revocations have been recorded. These types of acts may be related to the need for companies to adjust their organizational structures or correct previous decisions.
Acts of Sole Proprietorships
The total number of acts of sole proprietorships is 8. This figure indicates the existence of companies operating under the sole proprietorship structure, which may have implications for decision-making and business management.
Address Changes
Three acts of address changes have been recorded. This figure may reflect the need for companies to adapt to new locations that provide better business opportunities or more favorable conditions.
Statutory Modifications
The number of acts of statutory modifications is 2. These acts are important as they may involve changes in the structure or internal rules of companies, affecting their operation and strategy.
Capital Increases
Eight acts of capital increases have been recorded. This figure is significant as it indicates that companies are seeking to increase their financial capacity to undertake new projects or expand their operations. An example is the company ARIAN EUROPE SL, which has a share capital of 4,168,000.00 euros.
The number of acts of dissolutions is 6. This figure may indicate companies that have decided to cease operations, whether for economic, strategic, or other reasons.
No acts of re-elections have been recorded, suggesting that there has been no need to renew executive positions in the companies analyzed during the study period.
Bankruptcy Situations
No acts of bankruptcy situations have been recorded, which is a positive figure indicating that none of the analyzed companies have entered insolvency or bankruptcy processes.
Object Changes
No acts of object changes have been recorded, suggesting that companies have maintained their main activities without needing to modify their corporate purpose.
Name Changes
No acts of name changes have been recorded, indicating that companies have maintained their trade names without needing rebranding or changes in corporate identity.
Capital Reductions
No acts of capital reductions have been recorded, which is a positive figure suggesting that companies have not needed to decrease their share capital, thus maintaining their financial capacity.
Object Expansions
No acts of object expansions have been recorded, indicating that companies have not needed to diversify or expand their main activities.
Sole Proprietorship Changes
One act of sole proprietorship change has been recorded. This type of act may involve a change in the ownership structure of the company, transitioning from a sole proprietorship to a company with multiple partners.
Sole Proprietorship Losses
No acts of sole proprietorship losses have been recorded, indicating that companies operating under this structure have maintained their structure without changes.
No acts of extinctions have been recorded, which is a positive figure indicating that none of the analyzed companies have definitively ceased operations.
No acts of mergers have been recorded, suggesting that there have been no integration processes between companies during the study period.
Company Transformations
No acts of company transformations have been recorded, indicating that companies have maintained their legal form without needing structural changes.
In summary, the analysis of the data from the Alicante/Alacant Commercial Registry reflects a dynamic business environment with a significant number of acts of appointments and incorporations, as well as notable activity in terms of capital increases. However, there are also acts of resignations and dissolutions, indicating turnover in management and some company closures. The absence of bankruptcy situations and capital reductions is a positive figure suggesting financial stability in the region's companies.