BORME summary in ALMERÍA on 2024-07-18.

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Almería

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Almería

Date: July 18, 2024

In this financial analysis, we will examine the most relevant events recorded in the Commercial Registry of Almería. The provided data covers various key aspects of business activities in the province. Below is a detailed analysis of each of the recorded acts.

1. Appointments

The number of recorded appointment acts is 2. This data indicates that there have been two events where new positions within companies have been designated. Appointments are crucial for the structure and direction of a company, as the selection of suitable leaders can significantly influence the success and strategy of the organization.

2. Cessations

There have been 2 recorded cessation acts. Cessations can occur for various reasons, such as resignation, dismissal, or retirement of management team members. This number reflects the internal dynamics of companies and can be an indicator of strategic changes or restructurings within them.

3. Sole Proprietorships

The registry shows 1 sole proprietorship act. This act refers to the declaration of a company as a sole proprietorship, where a single partner owns the entire share capital. This type of structure can offer advantages in terms of control and decision-making, but it also implies greater responsibility for the sole partner.

4. Address Changes

There has been 1 recorded address change act. This act indicates that a company has decided to move its registered office to a new location. Address changes can be due to various reasons, such as seeking better facilities, cost reduction, or an expansion strategy.

5. Statutory Modifications

The number of recorded statutory modification acts is 2. Statutory modifications involve changes in the company's bylaws, which may include adjustments in the capital structure, changes in shareholders' rights, or modifications to the company's corporate purpose. These changes are essential to adapt to new circumstances and maintain competitiveness.

6. Capital Increases

There has been 1 recorded capital increase act. Capital increase is a strategy used by companies to obtain additional funds by issuing new shares. This act can be indicative of expansion plans, investments in new projects, or improving the company's financial structure.

7. Dissolutions

No dissolution acts have been recorded. The absence of dissolutions is a positive indicator, as it suggests that there have been no company closures during the analyzed period. The dissolution of a company can be a sign of financial difficulties or the end of its life cycle.

8. Insolvency Situations

No insolvency situation acts have been recorded. The lack of insolvency situations indicates that no company has entered an insolvency or bankruptcy process. This is a good indicator of the financial stability of companies in the region.

9. Other Acts

Regarding other acts such as changes of corporate purpose, name changes, capital reductions, corporate purpose expansions, sole proprietorship changes, loss of sole proprietorship, terminations, mergers, and company transformations, no events have been recorded in these categories. The absence of these acts can be interpreted as a sign of stability and continuity in business operations.


In summary, the analysis of the data from the Commercial Registry of Almería reveals a relatively stable business environment. Appointments and cessations reflect the internal dynamics of companies, while statutory modifications and capital increases indicate adaptations and growth strategies. The absence of dissolutions and insolvency situations is a positive sign of the financial health of companies in the province.

It is important to continue monitoring these indicators to detect possible changes in the business landscape and make informed decisions. The stability and sustained growth of companies in Almería are fundamental for the economic development of the region.