BORME summary in ALMERÍA on 2024-07-24.

Financial Analysis of the Almería Commercial Registry

Financial Analysis of the Almería Commercial Registry

Report Date: July 24, 2024

This financial analysis focuses on the most relevant events recorded in the Almería Commercial Registry, highlighting the most significant activities and movements in the business field. Below, the most notable acts and their potential impact on the business fabric of the province are detailed.


A total of 4 appointment acts have been registered in the Almería Commercial Registry. These acts are crucial as they reflect the renewal and strengthening of the companies' management structures. A notable example is Unión Deportiva Almería SAD, which, although it has not registered recent appointments, is an entity with a significant share capital of 35,680,964.00 euros, highlighting the importance of solid and competent management to manage its resources and social objectives.


During the same period, one constitution act has been registered. This type of act indicates the creation of new companies, which is a good indicator of economic dynamism and entrepreneurship in the region. The creation of new companies contributes to the diversification of the local economy and potentially to job creation.


One resignation act has been registered, indicating a change in the management structure of a company. Resignations can result from internal restructurings, strategic changes, or personal decisions by the directors. These changes can have both positive and negative implications depending on the surrounding circumstances.


No revocation acts have been registered during this period. Revocations usually indicate the annulment of previous decisions, and their absence can be interpreted as a sign of stability in the administrative decisions of the region's companies.

Single-Member Companies

No single-member company acts have been registered. This type of act reflects a change in the ownership structure of companies, becoming controlled by a single partner. The absence of these acts suggests that there have been no significant changes in the ownership structure of companies during this period.

Change of Address

No change of address acts have been registered. Changes of address can indicate expansions, contractions, or logistical optimization strategies by companies. The absence of these acts suggests stability in the location of companies.

Statutory Modifications

Two statutory modification acts have been registered. Statutory modifications reflect changes in the internal rules governing companies, which may include adjustments to their social purpose, capital structure, or operating rules. These changes are essential to adapt to new market realities or legislative changes.

Capital Increases

No capital increase acts have been registered. Capital increases are fundamental to finance expansions, new projects, or improve the solvency of companies. The absence of these acts may indicate that companies have not needed to resort to this financial tool recently.


No dissolution acts have been registered. The dissolution of companies is a negative indicator, reflecting the cessation of business activities. The absence of dissolutions is a positive sign of business stability in the region.


One re-election act has been registered. Re-elections indicate the continuity of directors in their positions, which can be interpreted as a sign of confidence in their management and the stability of the company.

Bankruptcy Situations

No bankruptcy situation acts have been registered. Bankruptcy situations are an indicator of serious financial problems in companies. The absence of these acts is a positive sign of the financial health of companies in Almería.

Change of Purpose

No change of purpose acts have been registered. Changes of purpose reflect modifications in the main activities of companies. The absence of these acts suggests that companies have not needed to redefine their activities recently.

Change of Name

No change of name acts have been registered. Changes of name can indicate rebranding or changes in market strategy. The absence of these acts suggests stability in the corporate identity of companies.

Capital Reductions

One capital reduction act has been registered. Capital reductions can be a strategy to adjust the company's financial structure, although they can also indicate financial problems. It is important to analyze the specific context of each case to understand its implications.

Expansion of Purpose

No expansion of purpose acts have been registered. Expansions of purpose reflect the diversification of business activities. Their absence suggests that companies have not needed to expand their main activities.

Change to Single-Member Company

One act of change to a single-member company has been registered. This type of act indicates that a company has come under the control of a single partner, which can have implications for decision-making and management structure.

Loss of Single-Member Status

No acts of loss of single-member status have been registered. The loss of single-member status indicates that a company has ceased to be controlled by a single partner. The absence of these acts suggests stability in the ownership structure of companies.


No extinction acts have been registered. Extinctions reflect the disappearance of companies, which is a negative indicator. The absence of these acts is a positive sign of business continuity in the region.


No merger acts have been registered. Mergers indicate business consolidations and can have significant market effects. The absence of these acts suggests that there have been no recent business consolidation movements.

Company Transformations

No company transformation acts have been registered. Company transformations reflect changes in the legal form of companies, which can be part of growth strategies or adaptation to new market realities. The absence of these acts suggests stability in the legal form of companies.

In summary, the analysis of the acts registered in the Almería Commercial Registry shows a general stability in the business fabric of the province, with some specific movements in key areas such as appointments, statutory modifications, and re-elections. The absence of negative acts such as dissolutions, bankruptcy situations, and extinctions is a positive sign of the economic health of the region.