BORME summary in BADAJOZ on 2024-07-15.
Financial Analysis of Companies in Badajoz
This financial analysis is based on the information available up to July 15, 2024, about various companies registered in the province of Badajoz. Below, the most relevant facts related to the mercantile acts registered in said province are detailed.
Mercantile Registry
The mercantile registry of Badajoz has been the scene of multiple mercantile acts that reflect the business activity in the region. Below are the most relevant data:
The number of registered appointment acts is significant, with a total of 10 acts. This data reflects an active management dynamic, where there is a constant renewal and assignment of new managerial positions in companies. An example of this is the company Museo Gestión Inmobiliaria SA, which has registered 1 appointment in its history.
Regarding the constitutions of new companies, 3 acts have been registered. This data indicates moderate growth in the creation of new business entities in the region.
The number of registered resignations amounts to 6 acts. This data can be interpreted as a sign of rotation in managerial positions, which could be associated with strategic changes or internal restructurings. The company NCF AGEXTREMADURA SL has registered 1 resignation in its history.
One revocation act has been registered. This type of act is usually related to the annulment of powers previously granted to directors or legal representatives.
Sole Proprietorships
No sole proprietorship acts have been registered, indicating that there have been no significant changes in the ownership structure of companies towards a sole proprietorship figure.
Address Changes
No address change acts have been registered, suggesting stability in the location of business headquarters in the province.
Statutory Modifications
Three statutory modification acts have been registered. These acts reflect changes in the statutes of companies, which may include adjustments in the corporate purpose, share capital, among other aspects. The company NCF AGEXTREMADURA SL has registered 1 statutory modification.
Capital Increases
Two capital increase acts have been registered. This type of act indicates the intention of companies to increase their financial resources to undertake new projects or expand their operations.
The number of registered dissolutions is 2 acts. The dissolution of companies can be due to various reasons, such as the completion of their corporate purpose, financial problems, among others.
No re-election acts have been registered, indicating that there have been no renewals of managerial positions through the re-election of the same.
Bankruptcy Situations
Five bankruptcy situation acts have been registered. This data is concerning, as it reflects significant financial problems in some companies that have led to bankruptcy proceedings. The company Canal Don Benito SL has registered 2 bankruptcy situations.
Object Changes
No object change acts have been registered, suggesting that companies have maintained their original corporate purpose without needing to make significant adjustments.
Name Changes
No name change acts have been registered, indicating that companies have maintained their commercial name without modifications.
Capital Reductions
No capital reduction acts have been registered. This type of act is usually associated with the need to adjust the share capital of the company for various reasons, such as accumulated losses.
Object Expansions
No object expansion acts have been registered, indicating that companies have not expanded their corporate purpose to include new activities.
Sole Proprietorship Changes
No sole proprietorship change acts have been registered, suggesting that there have been no transformations to or from the sole proprietorship figure.
Loss of Sole Proprietorship
No loss of sole proprietorship acts have been registered, indicating that sole proprietorship companies have maintained their structure without changes.
No extinction acts have been registered, suggesting that there have been no definitive liquidations of companies in the analyzed period.
No merger acts have been registered, indicating that there have been no integration processes between companies in the province.
Company Transformations
No company transformation acts have been registered, suggesting that companies have maintained their legal form without significant changes.
In summary, the analysis of the mercantile acts registered in the province of Badajoz up to July 15, 2024, reflects moderate business activity with certain signs of stability and some financial challenges. The creation of new companies and capital increases indicate potential growth, while bankruptcy situations highlight the need for attention to the financial health of some entities. Companies like Museo Gestión Inmobiliaria SA and NCF AGEXTREMADURA SL stand out for their activity in appointments and statutory modifications, respectively, while Canal Don Benito SL faces bankruptcy challenges. This overview provides a comprehensive view of the business dynamics in Badajoz, providing valuable information for investors and stakeholders interested in the region.