BORME summary in BARCELONA on 2024-07-18.

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona

Analysis date: July 18, 2024

This report provides a detailed analysis of the acts registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona. The data reflect business activity in terms of appointments, incorporations, cessations, revocations, among other relevant acts. The most notable facts are described below:


The total number of registered appointment acts is 264. This high number indicates significant activity in the designation of new positions within companies. For example, the company DENSO BARCELONA SA has registered 2 appointments, showing a renewal in its management structure.


116 acts of incorporation of new companies have been registered. This data is a positive indicator of the creation of new business entities in the region. The company ARRAHONA IMMO SL, incorporated in 2008, although not recent, is an example of a company that has contributed to the economic growth of Barcelona with a share capital of 87,798,529.00 euros.


Interestingly, no cessation acts have been registered. This could be interpreted as stability in the management positions of companies, which is a positive sign of continuity and confidence in the current management.


The number of revocation acts is 90. Revocations can be due to various factors, including strategic changes or internal reorganizations. For example, ARRAHONA IMMO SL has registered 1 revocation, which could indicate adjustments in its administration.


No acts of unipersonalities have been registered, suggesting that there have been no significant changes in the ownership structure of companies towards or from a sole proprietorship structure.

Changes of Address

55 acts of changes of address have been registered. This number reflects mobility within the business sector, whether due to expansion, search for better locations, or strategic reasons.

Statutory Modifications

The number of statutory modification acts is 23. Statutory modifications are essential for companies to adapt to new regulations or changes in their internal structure.

Capital Increases

3 acts of capital increases have been registered. Capital increases are an indicator of growth and expansion. For example, DENSO BARCELONA SA has a significant share capital of 5,158,000,000.00 euros, demonstrating its financial solidity.


The number of dissolution acts is 4. Dissolutions can result from mergers, acquisitions, or the closure of companies that are no longer viable.


No reelection acts have been registered, which may indicate that there has been no need to renew mandates in management positions.

Insolvency Situations

No insolvency situation acts have been registered. This is a positive sign, as it indicates that no company has had to resort to insolvency procedures.

Changes of Object

19 acts of changes of object have been registered. Changes in the corporate purpose reflect the adaptation of companies to new business opportunities or changes in their strategy. For example, ARRAHONA IMMO SL has as its corporate purpose the purchase-sale, intermediation, and administration of properties, among others.

Changes of Name

The number of name change acts is 13. Name changes can be part of a rebranding strategy or a change in the company's structure.

Capital Reductions

2 acts of capital reductions have been registered. Capital reductions can be a strategy to adjust the company's financial structure.

Extensions of Object

No acts of extensions of object have been registered, suggesting that companies have not needed to expand their scope of activities recently.

Changes of Sole Proprietorship

No acts of changes of sole proprietorship have been registered, indicating stability in the corporate structure of companies.

Losses of Sole Proprietorship

No acts of losses of sole proprietorship have been registered, suggesting that there have been no changes in the sole ownership of companies.


No acts of extinctions have been registered, which is a positive indicator of the operational continuity of companies.


No acts of mergers have been registered, which could indicate less activity in terms of business consolidation during this period.

Transformations of Society

No acts of transformations of society have been registered, suggesting that there have been no significant changes in the legal form of companies.

In conclusion, the data from the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona reflect dynamic business activity with a high number of appointments and incorporations, and notable stability in terms of cessations and insolvency situations. Companies like DENSO BARCELONA SA and ARRAHONA IMMO SL stand out for their financial solidity and contribution to the economic growth of the region.