BORME summary in CÁDIZ on 2024-09-12.
Financial Analysis of the Cádiz Commercial Registry
Analysis date: September 12, 2024
This financial report focuses on the most relevant data from the Cádiz Commercial Registry, analyzing various business activities reflected in the following columns: appointments, incorporations, cessations, revocations, single-member companies, address changes, statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, re-elections, insolvency proceedings, changes in object, name changes, capital reductions, object extensions, changes in single-member companies, loss of single-member status, extinctions, mergers, and company transformations.
The number of appointment acts registered in Cádiz is 11. This data reflects significant activity in the renewal and assignment of positions within companies. For example, the company VERY IMPORTANT PROPERTIES SERVICES SL, with a share capital of 500,000.00 euros, has registered a recent appointment. This type of activity is crucial to maintain the operational and strategic direction of companies.
3 incorporation acts have been registered, indicating the creation of new companies in the region. This is a positive indicator of business dynamics and entrepreneurial spirit in Cádiz. The creation of new companies contributes to economic growth and job creation.
The number of registered cessations is 6. Cessations can be due to various reasons, such as internal restructurings or changes in management. For example, the company SUMINISTROS INDUSTRIALES Y LAMINADOS SL, with a share capital of 469,400.00 euros, has registered a recent cessation.
1 revocation act has been registered. Revocations can imply the annulment of previous decisions or changes in the company's structure.
Single-Member Companies
The number of single-member company acts is 2. This indicates the transformation of companies into single-member companies, which may reflect a strategy of administrative simplification or internal reorganization.
Address Changes
No address change acts have been registered. This may indicate stability in the location of companies in Cádiz.
Statutory Modifications
No statutory modification acts have been registered. Statutory modifications are important to adapt the company's statutes to new realities and market needs.
Capital Increases
No capital increase acts have been registered. Capital increases are an indicator of growth and expansion of companies, allowing them to finance new projects and improve competitiveness.
No dissolution acts have been registered. The absence of dissolutions is a positive indicator of business stability in the region.
1 re-election act has been registered. Re-elections are important to maintain continuity in the management of companies. For example, the company AGUA Y RESIDUOS DEL CAMPO DE GIBRALTAR SA, with a share capital of 2,509,327.00 euros, has registered a recent re-election.
Insolvency Proceedings
2 insolvency proceedings acts have been registered. Insolvency proceedings indicate financial difficulties in companies, which can affect the economic stability of the region.
Changes in Object
No changes in object acts have been registered. Changes in social object are important to adapt the company's activity to new business opportunities.
Name Changes
No name change acts have been registered. Name changes can reflect a rebranding or repositioning strategy in the market.
Capital Reductions
No capital reduction acts have been registered. Capital reductions can be a strategy to adjust the company's financial structure.
Object Extensions
No object extension acts have been registered. Object extensions allow companies to diversify their activities and explore new markets.
Changes in Single-Member Companies
1 change in single-member company act has been registered. This type of change may reflect an internal reorganization to simplify the business structure.
Loss of Single-Member Status
No loss of single-member status acts have been registered. The absence of these acts indicates stability in the ownership structures of companies.
No extinction acts have been registered. The absence of extinctions is a positive indicator of the operational continuity of companies in the region.
No merger acts have been registered. Mergers are important for business consolidation and the creation of synergies.
Company Transformations
No company transformation acts have been registered. Company transformations are relevant to adapt the company's legal structure to new needs.
In conclusion, the analysis of the data from the Cádiz Commercial Registry reveals dynamic and stable business activity in the region. The creation of new companies and continuity in management are positive indicators, while the absence of dissolutions and extinctions reflects stability. However, insolvency proceedings are an area of concern that should be closely monitored.