BORME summary in CÁDIZ on 2024-09-13.

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Cádiz

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Cádiz

Analysis date: September 13, 2024

This report offers a detailed analysis of the activities registered in the Commercial Registry of Cádiz, highlighting the most relevant acts and their impact on the business fabric of the province. Below are the most significant data:

1. Appointments

The number of registered appointment acts amounts to 52. This high number reflects an active dynamic in the designation of new positions within companies, which may be related to internal restructurings or business expansions.

2. Constitutions

47 new company constitutions have been registered. This data indicates a favorable environment for the creation of new companies, which is a good omen for the local economy. A notable example is the Empresa Municipal de Aguas de Algeciras SA, which has a share capital of 75,000,000.00 euros.

3. Resignations

The registered resignation acts are 4, indicating relative stability in the management positions of companies.

4. Revocations

There have been 2 revocation acts. This number is low, suggesting that appointment decisions are usually accurate and stable.

5. Sole Proprietorships

The number of sole proprietorship acts is 20. This may indicate a trend towards the creation of sole proprietorship companies, which may be a strategy to simplify the management and administration of companies.

6. Address Changes

Only 1 address change has been registered. This data can be interpreted as a sign of stability in the location of companies.

7. Statutory Modifications

5 statutory modifications have been registered. These acts reflect the need for companies to adapt to new regulations or changes in their internal structure.

8. Capital Increases

No capital increase acts have been registered. This data can be interpreted in various ways, but one possible interpretation is that companies have not needed to resort to this mechanism to finance their operations.

9. Dissolutions

No dissolutions have been registered, which is a positive sign of business health in the province of Cádiz.

10. Re-elections

No re-election acts have been registered, which could indicate stability in management positions.

11. Insolvency Situations

No insolvency situations have been registered. This data is extremely positive, as it indicates that no company has had to resort to insolvency proceedings to resolve insolvency problems.

12. Object Changes

2 changes in corporate purpose have been registered. These changes may be a strategy to diversify the company's activities and adapt to new business opportunities.

13. Name Changes

No name changes have been registered. This data suggests that companies are satisfied with their current corporate identity.

14. Capital Reductions

No capital reductions have been registered, which is a sign that companies have not needed to reduce their share capital to adjust their financial structure.

15. Object Extensions

No extensions of corporate purpose have been registered. This data can be interpreted as a sign that companies are focused on their current activities.

16. Sole Proprietorship Changes

1 sole proprietorship change has been registered. This act may reflect a strategy to simplify the company's structure.

17. Losses of Sole Proprietorship

No losses of sole proprietorship have been registered, suggesting that existing sole proprietorship companies have maintained their structure.

18. Extinctions

No extinctions have been registered, which is a positive sign of business stability in the province.

19. Mergers

No mergers have been registered, which can be interpreted as a sign that companies prefer to maintain their independence rather than seek synergies through mergers.

20. Company Transformations

No company transformations have been registered, suggesting that companies are satisfied with their current legal form.


In summary, the analysis of the data from the Commercial Registry of Cádiz shows a stable and growing business environment. The high number of appointments and constitutions, along with the absence of dissolutions and insolvency situations, are positive indicators of the economic health of the province. Companies like the Empresa Municipal de Aguas de Algeciras SA with significant share capital, reflect the potential and solidity of the business fabric of Cádiz.