BORME summary in CÁDIZ on 2024-09-19.
Financial Analysis of the Cádiz Commercial Registry
Analysis date: September 19, 2024
This report provides a detailed analysis of the movements recorded in the Commercial Registry of the province of Cádiz. The data reflects various business activities and structural changes that have taken place up to the indicated date.
Relevant Facts
A total of 25 appointment acts have been registered. This number indicates an active dynamic in the renewal and designation of managerial positions within companies. A notable example is the company Explotación Agrícola La Fuensanta SL, which has registered one appointment. This company, with a social capital of 503,505.00 euros, is dedicated to agricultural exploitation, highlighting the importance of the primary sector in the region.
The registry shows 15 incorporation acts, reflecting the creation of new companies in the province. This is a positive indicator of entrepreneurial spirit and local economic growth. The creation of new entities contributes to the diversification of the business fabric and the generation of employment.
Three resignation acts have been registered, which can be interpreted as a natural process of renewal within companies. Resignations can be due to various reasons, including retirements, strategic changes, or internal restructurings.
No revocation acts have been registered. This suggests stability in managerial positions and in previously made business decisions.
Sole Proprietorships
Six sole proprietorship acts have been registered, indicating the existence of companies with a single partner. This type of structure can offer advantages in terms of control and decision-making.
Address Changes
No address change acts have been registered, suggesting geographical stability of companies in the province.
Statutory Modifications
One statutory modification act has been registered, which may imply adjustments to a company's bylaws to adapt to new circumstances or strategies.
Capital Increases
One capital increase act has been registered. This type of act is significant as it reflects a company's intention to increase its financial capacity to undertake new projects or investments.
One dissolution act has been registered, indicating the closure of a company. Dissolutions can be due to multiple factors, including economic unviability or the completion of the social purpose.
No re-election acts have been registered, suggesting that there has been no need to renew managerial mandates in companies.
Bankruptcy Situations
No bankruptcy situation acts have been registered, which is a positive indicator of the financial health of companies in the province.
Object Changes
No object change acts have been registered, suggesting that companies maintain their original lines of business.
Name Changes
No name change acts have been registered, indicating that companies have not deemed it necessary to change their commercial name.
Capital Reductions
No capital reduction acts have been registered, suggesting that companies have not needed to decrease their social capital.
Object Expansions
No object expansion acts have been registered, indicating that companies have not diversified their activities beyond what was initially planned.
Changes to Sole Proprietorship
One act of change to sole proprietorship has been registered, which may imply the transformation of a multi-partner company into one with a single partner.
Losses of Sole Proprietorship
No acts of loss of sole proprietorship have been registered, suggesting that sole proprietorship companies have maintained their structure.
No extinction acts have been registered, indicating that there have been no definitive closures of companies beyond the mentioned dissolutions.
No merger acts have been registered, suggesting that there have been no company integrations in the province.
Company Transformations
No company transformation acts have been registered, indicating that companies have maintained their original legal form.
In summary, the Cádiz Commercial Registry shows stable business activity with a significant number of appointments and incorporations, reflecting a dynamic and growing environment. The absence of bankruptcy situations and stability in other acts such as address and name changes suggest robust financial health in the province.
For more details about the mentioned companies, you can visit the profile of Explotación Agrícola La Fuensanta SL.