BORME summary in CANTABRIA on 2024-08-08.

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Cantabria

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Cantabria

Date: 2024-08-08

This report offers a detailed analysis of the most relevant events recorded in the Mercantile Registry of Cantabria. Below, the main acts and corporate movements that have taken place are described, providing an overview of the business dynamism in the region.


The total number of recorded appointment acts amounts to 38. This data reflects considerable activity in terms of the designation of new positions and responsibilities within companies. A notable example is the company Textil Santanderina SA, which, although it has not recorded recent appointment acts, is one of the oldest companies with a significant share capital of 5,840,695.00 euros.


15 acts of new company constitutions have been recorded. This indicator is a good reflection of the entrepreneurial spirit in Cantabria, showing that there is a constant flow of new business initiatives. The company Andros Food España SL is a notable example, constituted in 2016 with a share capital of 5,000,000.00 euros, dedicated to the acquisition and administration of shares and participations of legal entities.


Regarding terminations, 19 acts have been recorded. This data can be interpreted as a reflection of the turnover in managerial or administrative positions, which is common in a dynamic business environment. The company Centro Farmacéutico del Norte SA, with a share capital of 13,054,322.00 euros, has recorded one termination act, indicating changes in its organizational structure.


5 revocation acts have occurred. These types of acts are usually related to the annulment of previously granted powers or authorizations, which may indicate internal adjustments within companies.


The registry shows 9 acts of unipersonality, suggesting that several companies have come to be managed by a single partner. This phenomenon may be related to administrative simplification strategies or absolute control by a single owner.

Address Changes

4 acts of address change have been recorded. This data is relevant as it may indicate a strategic relocation of companies, seeking better business opportunities or reductions in operating costs.

Statutory Modifications

Only 1 act of statutory modification has been recorded. Statutory modifications usually imply significant changes in the internal policies of companies, such as adjustments in shareholder rights or capital structure.

Capital Increases

6 acts of capital increase have been recorded. This data is a positive indicator, as capital increases are usually associated with the expansion of companies and the search for new financial resources to undertake growth projects. An example is the company Reinosa Forgings & Castings SL, constituted in 2017 with a share capital of 12,707,020.00 euros, dedicated to the manufacture and commercialization of large forged and cast pieces.


5 acts of dissolution have been recorded. This data can be interpreted as an indicator of the termination of business activities, whether for economic, strategic, or other reasons.


The number of re-election acts amounts to 11. Re-elections reflect the continuity and confidence in the current directors or administrators of companies. The company Textil Santanderina SA has recorded 2 re-election acts, showing stability in its management team.

Bankruptcy Situations

No bankruptcy situation acts have been recorded, which is a positive data as it indicates that no company has entered insolvency or bankruptcy processes during the analyzed period.

Changes in Corporate Purpose

1 act of change in corporate purpose has been recorded. These types of acts reflect adjustments in the mission and vision of companies, adapting to new market opportunities or changes in their business strategy.

Name Changes

No name change acts have been recorded, suggesting that companies have maintained their corporate identity without alterations during the analyzed period.

Capital Reductions

No capital reduction acts have been recorded, which is a positive indicator as capital reductions are usually associated with financial adjustments or business restructurings.

Expansion of Purpose

No acts of expansion of purpose have been recorded, suggesting that companies have not made significant changes in the scope of their commercial activities.

Changes in Sole Proprietorship

No acts of change in sole proprietorship have been recorded, indicating stability in the ownership structure of companies.

Loss of Sole Proprietorship

No acts of loss of sole proprietorship have been recorded, suggesting that companies operating under this modality have maintained their ownership structure without changes.


No extinction acts have been recorded, which is a positive data as it indicates that there have been no definitive closures of companies during the analyzed period.


No merger acts have been recorded, suggesting that there have been no significant corporate integrations during the analyzed period.

Corporate Transformations

No acts of corporate transformation have been recorded, indicating that companies have maintained their legal form without significant changes.

In conclusion, the analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Cantabria shows a dynamic business environment with notable activity in appointments, constitutions, and capital increases. Stability in other aspects such as bankruptcy situations and mergers suggests a solid and growing business landscape.