BORME summary in CASTELLÓN on 2024-07-22.

Financial Analysis - Commercial Register of Castellón/Castelló

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Register of Castellón/Castelló

Date: July 22, 2024

In this analysis, the most relevant data from the Commercial Register of Castellón/Castelló is examined, highlighting the most significant acts registered to date. Below is a detailed analysis of each of the relevant aspects.


The number of registered appointment acts amounts to 11. This data reflects significant activity in terms of incorporating new directors and managers in the province's companies. Appointments are essential for the functioning and strategic direction of companies, and a high number can indicate dynamism in business management.


5 constitution acts have been registered. This data indicates the creation of new companies, which is a good indicator of economic growth and entrepreneurship in the region. The constitution of new legal entities is fundamental for the expansion of the business fabric and job generation.


The number of registered resignations is 5. Resignations can be due to multiple factors, such as changes in business strategy, retirements, or internal restructurings. Although not necessarily negative, a significant number of resignations can reflect instability or adjustments in the organizational structure of companies.


No revocation acts have been registered. The absence of revocations can be interpreted as stability in previous appointments, which is positive for continuity and consistency in business management.

Single-Member Companies

1 single-member company act has been registered. These types of acts indicate that a company has come to be managed by a single partner. It can be a strategy to simplify decision-making and company management.

Changes of Address

3 changes of address have been registered. Changes of address can be motivated by various reasons, such as seeking better facilities, cost reduction, or a more strategic location for the business. This data shows some mobility and adaptation of companies to new circumstances.

Statutory Modifications

The number of statutory modifications is 7. Modifications in the social statutes reflect changes in the internal rules of companies, which can include adjustments in the corporate purpose to changes in share capital. This data suggests constant adaptation of companies to new realities and market needs.

Capital Increases

1 capital increase act has been registered. Capital increases indicate the need for companies to obtain more financial resources to expand or improve their financial structure. This data is positive, reflecting an intention for growth and financial strengthening.


The number of dissolutions is 5. Dissolutions can result from multiple factors, such as financial problems, lack of business viability, or strategic decisions by partners. Although dissolutions are a negative aspect, they are also part of the natural life cycle of companies.


No re-election acts have been registered. The absence of re-elections can be interpreted as stability in managerial positions, without the need to renew mandates.

Bankruptcy Situations

No bankruptcy situations have been registered. The absence of bankruptcy is a positive indicator, suggesting that companies are not facing severe insolvency problems.

Changes in Corporate Purpose

No changes in corporate purpose have been registered. This suggests that companies maintain their main activity without needing to diversify or change their business focus.

Changes of Name

1 change of name has been registered. Changes of name can be due to rebranding, mergers, or acquisitions, reflecting a renewal in the corporate image of the company.

Capital Reductions

1 capital reduction act has been registered. Capital reductions can be a strategy to adjust the financial structure of the company, although they can also indicate financial problems. It is important to analyze this data in the specific context of each company.

Expansions of Corporate Purpose

No expansions of corporate purpose have been registered. This indicates that companies have not needed to expand their main activities, remaining focused on their original corporate purpose.

Changes in Single-Member Company Status

No changes in single-member company status have been registered. This suggests stability in the ownership structure of companies.

Losses of Single-Member Status

No losses of single-member status have been registered. This indicates that there have been no changes in the ownership structure involving the entry of new partners into previously single-member companies.


No extinctions have been registered. The absence of extinctions is a positive data, suggesting that there have been no definitive closures of companies.


1 merger has been registered. Mergers are important strategic moves that can strengthen the companies involved, allowing them to leverage synergies and increase their competitiveness in the market.

Transformations of Company

No transformations of company have been registered. The absence of transformations can indicate stability in the legal structure of companies.

In conclusion, the analysis of the Commercial Register of Castellón/Castelló shows dynamic and constantly adapting business activity. The data reflects both positive aspects and challenges, but overall, an active and evolving business environment is observed.