BORME summary in CASTELLÓN on 2024-07-23.

Financial Analysis - Commercial Registry of Castellón/Castelló

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Castellón/Castelló

Date: July 23, 2024

This report provides a detailed analysis of the most relevant acts registered in the Commercial Registry of Castellón/Castelló. Below, the most significant events are described, and references are made to some of the companies involved.

Registered Acts

In the analyzed period, a total of 28 appointments, 12 incorporations, and 9 resignations have been registered. These acts reflect a dynamic business activity in the region, with a significant number of changes in company management. Additionally, 5 revocations and 12 sole proprietorships have been registered, indicating a trend towards simplifying the business structure.


The 28 registered appointments reflect a constant movement in company management. A notable example is Sociedad de Fomento Agrícola Castellonense SA, which has made a recent appointment. This company, with a share capital of 10,583,940.00 euros, is dedicated to the capture, treatment, and distribution of water, among other activities.


The 12 incorporations indicate growth in the number of new companies in the region. This dynamism is essential for the local economy as it fosters job creation and innovation. However, no specific incorporations have been registered in the companies mentioned in the provided data.

Resignations and Revocations

The 9 resignations and 5 revocations reflect changes in the management of several companies. These movements may be due to various reasons, such as internal restructurings or changes in business strategy. For example, Viviendas Benicasim Castellon SL has registered a recent revocation. This company, with a share capital of 2,160,000.00 euros, has not carried out other significant acts in the analyzed period.

Sole Proprietorships

The 12 registered sole proprietorships indicate that several companies have opted for a more simplified structure, with a single partner. This type of structure can offer advantages in terms of control and decision-making.

Address Changes

Four address changes have been registered, which may reflect a search for better locations for business operations or internal restructuring. An example is Raman 97 SL, which has recently made an address change. This company has a share capital of 32,000,000.00 euros.

Statutory Modifications

The 14 registered statutory modifications indicate that several companies have made changes to their statutes to adapt to new circumstances or improve their operation. These changes may include adjustments to the corporate purpose, capital structure, or internal operating rules.

Capital Increases and Reductions

Four capital increases and two capital reductions have been registered. These acts reflect adjustments in the financial structure of companies to respond to new opportunities or challenges. For example, Fomento Benicasim SA, with a share capital of 1,532,581.00 euros, has not made any capital increases or reductions in the analyzed period.

Dissolutions and Mergers

One dissolution and one merger have been registered. These acts reflect important strategic decisions that can have a significant impact on the market. Mergers, in particular, can create synergies and strengthen the position of the companies involved.

Bankruptcy Situations

Three bankruptcy situations have been registered, indicating financial difficulties in some companies. These acts are important to monitor as they can impact employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders.

Other Acts

No changes in corporate purpose, name, purpose expansions, sole proprietorship changes, sole proprietorship losses, dissolutions, or company transformations have been registered. These acts, although less frequent, are also important to understand the evolution of companies.


In summary, the Commercial Registry of Castellón/Castelló has registered significant business activity in the analyzed period. The numerous appointments, incorporations, and statutory modifications reflect a dynamism and constant adaptation of companies to new circumstances. Capital increases and reductions, as well as bankruptcy situations, are key indicators of the financial health of companies in the region. It is essential to continue monitoring these acts to better understand the trends and challenges in the business environment of Castellón/Castelló.