BORME summary in CASTELLÓN on 2024-09-18.

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Castellón/Castelló

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Castellón/Castelló

Report date: September 18, 2024

In this financial analysis, the most relevant facts recorded in the Mercantile Registry of Castellón/Castelló are examined. This analysis is based on various metrics that reflect business activity in the region, such as appointments, incorporations, resignations, revocations, sole proprietorships, address changes, statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, re-elections, bankruptcy situations, changes in purpose, name changes, capital reductions, purpose expansions, sole proprietorship changes, loss of sole proprietorship, terminations, mergers, and company transformations.

Business Activities

The Mercantile Registry of Castellón/Castelló has recorded a total of 13 appointment acts, 6 incorporation acts, and 5 resignation acts. These figures indicate moderate activity in terms of the creation and reorganization of companies in the region.

Among the prominent companies, we find Horkios Gestión SA, which has a share capital of 9,719,475.00 euros. Although this company has not recorded acts of appointments, incorporations, or resignations, it has had one revocation act.

Another relevant company is Contexto Empresarial Mediterráneo SL, incorporated on June 6, 2011, with a share capital of 3,547,159.00 euros. This company has recorded one appointment act, reflecting its activity in the region.

Revocations and Sole Proprietorships

Regarding revocations, a total of 4 acts have been recorded. These types of acts may indicate changes in the direction or structure of companies. For example, Kilion Internacional SL, with a share capital of 996,000.00 euros, has recorded one revocation act.

Additionally, 4 acts of sole proprietorships have been recorded, which may reflect a trend towards simplification in the ownership structure of companies.

Statutory Modifications and Changes in Purpose

The Mercantile Registry has recorded 2 acts of statutory modifications and 1 act of change in purpose. These figures indicate that some companies are adapting their statutes and objectives to better align with their business strategies.

For example, Azteca Products & Services SL, incorporated on January 8, 1997, with a share capital of 1,892,987.00 euros, has as its corporate purpose the manufacture of tiles and ceramic material, as well as the repair and maintenance of industrial installations. This company has recorded one revocation act, which could be related to changes in its structure or direction.

Capital Increases and Reductions

Regarding capital increases and reductions, one act of capital reduction and no acts of capital increase have been recorded. This could indicate a trend towards consolidation and optimization of financial resources by companies in the region.

Dissolutions and Bankruptcy Situations

No acts of dissolution or bankruptcy situations have been recorded, which is a positive indicator of the financial stability of companies in Castellón/Castelló.

Transformations and Mergers

No acts of mergers or company transformations have been recorded, suggesting that companies in the region are maintaining their current structures without making significant changes to their legal form.


In summary, the Mercantile Registry of Castellón/Castelló shows moderate business activity, with a significant number of appointments and incorporations. Companies are making some changes to their statutes and objectives, but there are no significant trends towards capital increases or dissolutions. Financial stability appears to be a notable feature in the region, with few bankruptcy situations and dissolutions recorded.

Companies such as Horkios Gestión SA, Contexto Empresarial Mediterráneo SL, Kilion Internacional SL, and Azteca Products & Services SL are examples of entities that are actively involved in the business dynamics of the region.

This analysis provides an overview of business activity in Castellón/Castelló and can serve as a basis for future research and strategic decisions.