BORME summary in CIUDAD REAL on 2024-08-19.

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Ciudad Real

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Ciudad Real

Analysis date: August 19, 2024

This financial analysis is based on the data provided by the Mercantile Registry of Ciudad Real. Below, the most relevant facts related to the registered acts in this province are described.

Registered Acts

The Mercantile Registry of Ciudad Real has registered a series of acts over time, which are broken down into the following categories:

  • Appointments: 6
  • Constitutions: 2
  • Dismissals: 4
  • Revocations: 0
  • Unipersonalities: 2
  • Address changes: 0
  • Statutory modifications: 0
  • Capital increases: 0
  • Dissolutions: 2
  • Reelections: 0
  • Bankruptcy situations: 2
  • Object changes: 0
  • Denomination changes: 0
  • Capital reductions: 0
  • Object extensions: 0
  • Unipersonal company changes: 0
  • Losses of unipersonality: 0
  • Extinctions: 0
  • Mergers: 0
  • Company transformations: 0

Detailed Analysis

In the analysis of the registered acts, the following points are highlighted:


A total of 6 appointments have been registered. This type of act is fundamental for the management and administration of companies, as it involves the designation of people in managerial or responsible positions within the organization. An example of a company that has registered an appointment is Aguas de Puertollano SL, which has a share capital of 5,790,000.00 euros and whose corporate purpose includes the management of the integral water cycle in Puertollano.


2 new company constitutions have been registered. This act marks the beginning of the legal life of a company, allowing it to operate legally in the market. The constitution of new companies is a positive indicator of economic activity in the region.


4 dismissals have been registered, corresponding to the termination of functions of people in managerial or responsible positions. This type of act can be related to strategic changes within the company or the departure of key personnel.


2 unipersonality acts have been registered, indicating that two companies have become single-member companies, that is, with a single partner. This change can have important implications for decision-making and the structure of the company.


2 dissolutions have been registered, marking the end of the legal life of a company. This type of act can be due to various reasons, such as financial problems, lack of business viability, or strategic decisions by the partners.

Bankruptcy Situations

2 bankruptcy situations have been registered, indicating that two companies have entered an insolvency process. This type of act is an indicator of financial difficulties and can have a significant impact on the local economy and the employees of the affected companies.


In summary, the Mercantile Registry of Ciudad Real has registered a variety of acts that reflect the business dynamics of the region. Appointments and constitutions are positive indicators of activity and growth, while dismissals, dissolutions, and bankruptcy situations may signal challenges and difficulties in the business environment.

A notable example is the company Aguas de Puertollano SL, which has registered an appointment and a dismissal. This company, with a share capital of 5,790,000.00 euros, is dedicated to the management of the integral water cycle in Puertollano, which includes the supply of drinking water, sewerage, and wastewater treatment.

The analysis of these acts provides an overview of the state and evolution of the business fabric in Ciudad Real, allowing interested parties to make informed and strategic decisions.