BORME summary in CIUDAD REAL on 2024-09-12.

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Ciudad Real

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Ciudad Real

Date: September 12, 2024

In this financial analysis, the most relevant facts recorded in the Commercial Registry of Ciudad Real are examined. The provided data includes various commercial acts that reflect the economic and administrative activity of companies in this province. Below, the most significant acts are detailed, and some specific companies are referenced to illustrate these facts.


The number of appointment acts recorded in the Commercial Registry of Ciudad Real is 13. This type of act is crucial as it reflects changes in the administration and management of companies. An example of a company with an appointment act is ASOVEMERCA SA, which has registered an appointment. Such changes can influence the company's strategy and direction, impacting its financial and operational performance.


There have been 5 incorporation acts recorded, indicating the creation of new companies in the province. The incorporation of new companies is a positive indicator of economic growth and entrepreneurship in the region. Although specific information about the newly incorporated companies is not provided, this data is encouraging for the economic dynamism of Ciudad Real.


The registry shows 8 resignation acts, implying the departure of directors or administrators from their positions. This type of act can indicate internal restructurings or changes in business strategy. In the case of ASOVEMERCA SA, a resignation has been recorded, which could reflect a change in the company's management.


Only 1 revocation act has been recorded. Revocations can occur for various reasons, such as non-compliance with duties or the need for a change in administration. Although this number is low, it is important to monitor these acts to better understand the internal dynamics of companies.

Sole Proprietorships

3 sole proprietorship acts have been recorded, indicating that some companies have become sole proprietorships. This type of change can have fiscal and administrative implications for the involved companies.

Address Changes

Only 1 address change act has been recorded. Address changes can indicate a strategic relocation to improve operations or reduce costs. Although this number is low, it is a relevant data point to understand the logistical decisions of companies.

Statutory Modifications

3 statutory modification acts have been recorded. These modifications can include changes in the corporate purpose, capital structure, or internal company rules. For example, ASOVEMERCA SA has registered a statutory modification, which could indicate an adjustment in its structure or operations.

Capital Increases

The registry shows 2 capital increase acts. Capital increases are important for financing company growth and new investments. Although specific information about the companies that have made these increases is not provided, this data is positive for the economic development of the region.


No dissolution acts have been recorded. The absence of dissolutions is a positive indicator, suggesting that companies in Ciudad Real are maintaining their operations and not shutting down.


2 re-election acts have been recorded. Re-elections reflect continuity in company administration, which can be a sign of stability and confidence in current management.

Bankruptcy Situations

No bankruptcy situation acts have been recorded. The absence of bankruptcy filings is a positive indicator, suggesting that companies are not facing severe financial issues leading to insolvency.

Changes in Corporate Purpose

No changes in corporate purpose acts have been recorded. Changes in corporate purpose can reflect a strategic reorientation of companies, but in this case, none have occurred.

Changes in Company Name

No changes in company name acts have been recorded. Stability in the company name can be a sign of continuity and stability in operations.

Capital Reductions

No capital reduction acts have been recorded. Capital reductions can indicate financial problems or an adjustment in the company's capital structure, but in this case, none have occurred.

Expansion of Corporate Purpose

No expansion of corporate purpose acts have been recorded. Expansions of corporate purpose can reflect the diversification of business activities, but in this case, none have occurred.

Changes in Sole Proprietorship Status

No changes in sole proprietorship status acts have been recorded. This data suggests that there have been no significant changes in the ownership structure of companies.

Loss of Sole Proprietorship

No loss of sole proprietorship acts have been recorded. Stability in the ownership structure of companies is a positive sign.


No extinction acts have been recorded. The absence of extinctions is a positive indicator, suggesting that companies in Ciudad Real are maintaining their operations.


No merger acts have been recorded. Mergers can be a sign of market consolidation, but in this case, none have occurred.

Company Transformations

No company transformation acts have been recorded. This data suggests that companies have not made significant changes in their legal structure.

In conclusion, the Commercial Registry of Ciudad Real shows moderate activity in terms of commercial acts. The creation of new companies and the absence of dissolutions and bankruptcy situations are positive indicators for the region's economy. However, it is important to continue monitoring these data to better understand the dynamics and trends of the business market in Ciudad Real.