BORME summary in CÓRDOBA on 2024-08-14.

Financial Analysis of the Córdoba Commercial Registry

Financial Analysis of the Córdoba Commercial Registry

Analysis Date: August 14, 2024

This report provides a detailed analysis of the activities recorded in the Córdoba Commercial Registry. Below, the most relevant facts related to the registered commercial acts are described, referencing some of the most prominent companies in the province.


The number of registered appointment acts amounts to 32. This data indicates active dynamics in the management of companies, reflecting changes in administration and the incorporation of new directors. An example of a company with activity in this regard is Agrícola Alentejo SL, which has recently registered an appointment.


18 acts of constitution of new companies have been registered. This data is positive and shows a favorable environment for the creation of new companies in Córdoba. The company Huerta Natura SL, constituted in 2009, is an example of a company that has contributed to the economic growth of the region with a share capital of 180,000 euros.


The number of registered dismissals is 10. This data can be interpreted as a sign of renewal in business structures, where some directors or administrators have left their positions. A relevant case is Promotora Inmobiliaria Sarasur SA, which has registered a dismissal in its administration.


No acts of revocations have been registered, suggesting stability in previously made administrative decisions.

Single-Member Companies

9 acts of single-member companies have been registered. This data indicates that several companies have adopted or lost the status of a single-member company, which can have implications for ownership structure and decision-making.

Address Changes

3 acts of address changes have been registered. These movements may be motivated by expansion strategies, search for better locations, or tax reasons. For example, Huerta Natura SL has registered an address change, which may reflect its adaptation to new operational needs.

Statutory Modifications

3 acts of statutory modifications have been registered. These changes may respond to the need to adapt to new regulations, improve corporate governance, or adjust the business structure to new market realities.

Capital Increases

8 acts of capital increases have been registered. This data is significant as it reflects the ability of companies to attract new funds and strengthen their financial position. The company Agrícola Alentejo SL, with a share capital of 5,000,000 euros, is an example of a company with a solid capital base.


3 acts of dissolutions have been registered. Although these acts represent the closure of companies, it is important to analyze them in the context of a dynamic market where the creation and dissolution of companies are natural processes.


1 act of re-election has been registered. This data may indicate continuity and confidence in the current administrators of the companies.

Bankruptcy Situations

2 acts of bankruptcy situations have been registered. These acts reflect financial difficulties in some companies, which may be indicative of economic challenges in certain sectors.

Object Changes

2 acts of object changes have been registered. These changes may be strategic, allowing companies to adapt to new business opportunities or diversify their activities.

Name Changes

1 act of name change has been registered. This act may be related to rebranding strategies or changes in the corporate structure.

Capital Reductions

No acts of capital reductions have been registered, which can be interpreted as a sign of financial stability in the region's companies.

Object Extensions

No acts of object extensions have been registered, indicating that companies have maintained their activities within the scope defined in their original statutes.

Changes of Single-Member Company

2 acts of changes of single-member company have been registered. These changes may reflect adjustments in the ownership structure of the companies.

Losses of Single-Member Status

No acts of losses of single-member status have been registered, suggesting stability in the ownership structure of the companies.


No acts of extinctions have been registered, which can be interpreted as a positive sign of continuity in business operations.


No acts of mergers have been registered, indicating that there have been no significant consolidations between companies in the analyzed period.

Company Transformations

No acts of company transformations have been registered, which can be interpreted as a sign of stability in the legal structure of the companies.

In conclusion, the analysis of the Córdoba Commercial Registry shows dynamic and constantly evolving business activity. The creation of new companies and capital increases are positive signs of economic growth, while changes in administration and social objects reflect the ability of companies to adapt to new market realities. Prominent companies such as Agrícola Alentejo SL, Huerta Natura SL, and Promotora Inmobiliaria Sarasur SA are examples of entities that contribute to the economic dynamism of the region.