BORME summary in CÓRDOBA on 2024-08-23.

Financial Analysis of the Córdoba Commercial Registry

Financial Analysis of the Córdoba Commercial Registry

Date: 2024-08-23

This report presents a detailed analysis of the most relevant events recorded in the Córdoba Commercial Registry, highlighting the most significant activities and their impact on the business fabric of the province.


The number of registered appointment acts is notable, with a total of 13 acts. This indicator reflects an active business dynamic, where companies are constantly renewing and strengthening their management bodies. A notable example is the company Green Crops Spain SL, which has registered an appointment. This company, with a share capital of 150,000 euros, is mainly dedicated to the cultivation and sale of oleaginous vegetable plants.


In the analyzed period, a single act of constitution has been registered. This data can be interpreted as a sign of stability in the number of new companies established in the province. The company Cajasur Banco SA, although not constituted in this period, is an example of a consolidated entity in Córdoba, with a share capital of 1,718,050,000 euros.

Resignations and Revocations

The acts of resignations and revocations are also significant, with 8 and 7 acts respectively. These movements may be associated with internal restructurings or changes in business strategy. The company Polímeros Gestión Industrial SL has registered an act of revocation. This company, with a share capital of 2,000,000 euros, is dedicated to the manufacture and trade of plastic products.

Sole Proprietorships

Two acts of sole proprietorships have been registered, indicating the existence of companies operating under the figure of a sole proprietorship. This type of structure can offer advantages in terms of control and management.

Address Changes

Three acts of address changes have been registered, which may reflect a search for better strategic or logistical locations by companies. These movements are important to understand the geographical dynamics of the business fabric in Córdoba.


The registry shows an act of dissolution, indicating the cessation of activities of a company. This data is relevant to assess the stability and longevity of companies in the province.


An act of re-election has been registered, suggesting continuity in the management of some companies, thus ensuring stability in their direction.

Object Changes

An act of object change has been registered, indicating that a company has decided to modify its main activity. These types of changes can be strategic to adapt to new market opportunities.

Company Transformations

An act of company transformation has been registered, which may imply a change in the legal structure of a company to better adapt to its operational or strategic needs.

Unregistered Acts

It is important to note that no acts have been registered in the following categories: statutory modifications, capital increases, insolvency situations, name changes, capital reductions, object expansions, sole proprietorship changes, loss of sole proprietorship, liquidations, and mergers. The absence of these acts can be interpreted as a sign of stability and absence of significant crises in the business fabric of Córdoba.


In summary, the analysis of the Córdoba Commercial Registry shows a dynamic business activity, with a considerable number of appointments and changes in management bodies. Although the number of new constitutions is low, the stability in other areas such as statutory modifications and insolvency situations suggests a relatively stable business environment. Companies like Viana Activos Agrarios SL and Polímeros Gestión Industrial SL are examples of entities that continue to operate and adapt to market needs.

This report provides an overview of the business situation in Córdoba, highlighting the most relevant movements and offering a perspective on the health and dynamics of the business fabric in the province.