BORME summary in CUENCA on 2024-09-20.

Financial Analysis of Companies in Cuenca

Financial Analysis of Companies in Cuenca

This report presents a detailed analysis of the activities registered in the Commercial Registry of Cuenca up to September 20, 2024. Below, the most relevant facts are described in relation to the provided columns: appointments, incorporations, cessations, revocations, sole proprietorships, changes of address, statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, re-elections, insolvency situations, changes of purpose, changes of name, capital reductions, expansions of purpose, changes of sole proprietorship, losses of sole proprietorship, terminations, mergers, and company transformations.

Commercial Registry of Cuenca

In the Commercial Registry of Cuenca, a total of 3 acts of appointments and 3 acts of incorporations have been registered. There have been no cessations or revocations, indicating stability in the administration of the companies. Additionally, one act of sole proprietorship and one change of address have been registered.

Appointments and Incorporations

The acts of appointments and incorporations are key indicators of business dynamism in the province. The presence of 3 appointments and 3 incorporations suggests an active and growing business environment. An example of a company that reflects this activity is Orange Point SL, incorporated on October 7, 2003, with a share capital of 2,679,718.00 euros. This company has expanded its corporate purpose to include the performance of all types of actions, works, tasks, and provision of rural tourism services, as well as the purchase, holding, management, administration, exchange, and sale of all kinds of securities.

Changes of Address and Sole Proprietorships

The registration of a change of address and an act of sole proprietorship reflects the adaptability and flexibility of companies in Cuenca. These changes can be strategic to improve operational efficiency or to take advantage of new market opportunities. Orange Point SL, for example, has registered a change of address, which could be related to its expansion in the rural tourism sector.

Stability in Administration

The absence of acts of cessations and revocations is an indication of stability in the administration of companies in Cuenca. This stability is crucial for the sustainable development and long-term growth of companies. Administrative stability allows companies to focus on their strategic and operational objectives without significant interruptions.

Other Registered Activities

No acts of statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, re-elections, insolvency situations, changes of purpose, changes of name, capital reductions, expansions of purpose, changes of sole proprietorship, losses of sole proprietorship, terminations, mergers, or company transformations have been registered. This absence suggests that companies in Cuenca are operating in a relatively stable environment and have not needed to make significant changes to their structure or corporate purpose.


In summary, the analysis of the activities registered in the Commercial Registry of Cuenca up to September 20, 2024, shows an active and stable business environment. The acts of appointments and incorporations indicate growth and dynamism in the creation of new companies. The stability in administration, reflected in the absence of cessations and revocations, is a positive factor for the sustainable development of companies in the province. Additionally, changes of address and acts of sole proprietorship demonstrate the adaptability and flexibility of companies to take advantage of new market opportunities.

Companies like Orange Point SL are examples of how companies in Cuenca are diversifying their activities and adapting to new market demands. With significant share capital and an expanded corporate purpose, Orange Point SL is well-positioned to take advantage of opportunities in the rural tourism sector and in the management of securities.

In conclusion, the business environment in Cuenca shows signs of growth and stability, which bodes well for the economic future of the province.