BORME summary in GIRONA on 2024-08-02.

Financial Analysis of the Girona Commercial Registry

Financial Analysis of the Girona Commercial Registry

Analysis date: August 2, 2024

This report provides a detailed analysis of the acts registered in the Girona Commercial Registry, highlighting the most relevant facts and their impact on the business environment of the province.

1. Appointments

The number of registered appointment acts is notably high, with a total of 9. This data reflects an active dynamic in business management, indicating frequent changes in the direction of companies. An example of a company with activity in this regard is Inversions Immotur SL, which has registered 1 appointment. This company, with a share capital of 500,000 euros, is dedicated to construction and real estate.

2. Incorporations

4 incorporation acts have been registered, suggesting moderate growth in the creation of new companies in the province. This data indicates a business environment that, although not explosive, continues to attract new initiatives.

3. Terminations

The number of registered terminations is equal to that of incorporations, with 4 acts. This could be interpreted as a balance in the labor market at the managerial level, where the entry of new directors is compensated by the exit of others. Companies like Arunlop 2018 SL have registered 1 termination, reflecting these changes in their management structure.

4. Revocations

No revocation acts have been registered, which could indicate stability in the decisions previously made by companies regarding appointments and terminations.

5. Sole Proprietorships

2 sole proprietorship acts have been registered, suggesting that some companies have opted for a sole proprietorship structure. This type of structure can offer advantages in terms of decision-making and control.

6. Address Changes

With 2 registered address change acts, it can be inferred that some companies are seeking more strategic or suitable locations for their operations. This movement may be motivated by factors such as cost reduction or proximity to key markets.

7. Statutory Modifications

No statutory modification acts have been registered, which could indicate that companies in Girona are operating under statutes they consider adequate and do not require significant changes in their legal structure.

8. Capital Increases

No capital increase acts have been registered, which could suggest that companies are not seeking additional financing through the issuance of new shares. This could be interpreted as a sign of financial stability or sufficiency of current resources.

9. Dissolutions

No dissolution acts have been registered, which is a positive sign of business stability in the province. The absence of dissolutions indicates that companies are managing to remain operational.

10. Re-elections

2 re-election acts have been registered, suggesting that some companies are opting to retain their current directors, trusting in their leadership and experience to continue with their business strategies.

11. Insolvency Situations

No insolvency situation acts have been registered, which is a positive sign of the financial health of companies in Girona. The absence of insolvency proceedings indicates that companies are adequately managing their debts and financial obligations.

12. Object Changes

No object change acts have been registered, suggesting that companies are satisfied with their current lines of business and do not feel the need to diversify or change their business focus.

13. Name Changes

2 name change acts have been registered, which could indicate a rebranding or marketing strategy to improve the company's image or better align it with its vision and mission.

14. Capital Reductions

No capital reduction acts have been registered, suggesting that companies are not returning capital to shareholders or reducing their share capital base, which is a sign of stability.

15. Object Expansions

No object expansion acts have been registered, indicating that companies are not expanding their business activities beyond what is already established.

16. Sole Proprietorship Changes

No sole proprietorship change acts have been registered, suggesting that companies are not changing their ownership structure in this regard.

17. Loss of Sole Proprietorship

No loss of sole proprietorship acts have been registered, indicating that sole proprietorship companies are maintaining their ownership structure without changes.

18. Extinctions

No extinction acts have been registered, which is a positive sign that no companies have completely ceased their operations.

19. Mergers

No merger acts have been registered, suggesting that there have been no significant business consolidation movements in the province.

20. Company Transformations

No company transformation acts have been registered, indicating that companies are not changing their legal form, maintaining their current structure.

In summary, the analysis of the Girona Commercial Registry shows a stable business environment with moderate activity in terms of appointments and incorporations, and a notable absence of insolvency situations and dissolutions. Companies like Inversions Immotur SL and Arunlop 2018 SL reflect this stability in their registered actions.