BORME summary in GIRONA on 2024-08-12.

Financial Analysis of Companies in Girona

Financial Analysis of Companies in Girona

Report Date: August 12, 2024

This report provides a detailed analysis of the activities registered in the Mercantile Registry of Girona, highlighting the most relevant facts in terms of appointments, incorporations, resignations, revocations, sole proprietorships, address changes, statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, re-elections, bankruptcy situations, object changes, name changes, capital reductions, object expansions, changes in sole proprietorship status, losses of sole proprietorship, terminations, mergers, and company transformations.

Mercantile Registry: Girona

The Mercantile Registry of Girona has recorded a series of business activities that reflect the dynamics and evolution of the business fabric in the region. Below are the most notable facts:


A total of 14 appointments have been registered. This number reflects significant activity in the management and direction of companies, indicating a possible strengthening in their organizational structure.


7 new company incorporations have been registered, suggesting growth in the number of business entities in Girona. A notable example is Basso Alcalde Grup SL, which has a share capital of 1,221,592.00 euros and is dedicated to management, advisory, and distribution services, IT, accounting, among others.


4 resignations have been registered, which could indicate a restructuring in some companies. This number is relatively low compared to the appointments, suggesting stability in most companies.


No revocations have been registered in the analyzed period, which is a positive indicator of stability in managerial positions.

Sole Proprietorships

7 sole proprietorship acts have been registered. This could reflect a trend towards simplification in the ownership structure of companies.

Address Changes

2 address changes have been registered, suggesting limited mobility of companies within the region.

Statutory Modifications

Only 1 statutory modification has been registered, indicating stability in company statutes.

Capital Increases

No capital increases have been registered, which could suggest that companies have not needed to increase their share capital during this period.


No dissolutions have been registered, which is a positive indicator of business health in the region.


1 re-election has been registered, suggesting continuity in the management of at least one company.

Bankruptcy Situations

No bankruptcy situations have been registered, which is a good indicator of the solvency of companies in Girona.

Object Changes

No object changes have been registered, indicating that companies maintain their initial activities.

Name Changes

2 name changes have been registered, which may reflect a rebranding or strategic change in the image of companies.

Capital Reductions

No capital reductions have been registered, which is a good indicator of financial stability.

Object Expansions

No object expansions have been registered, suggesting that companies are focused on their main activities.

Changes in Sole Proprietorship Status

No changes in sole proprietorship status have been registered, indicating stability in ownership structure.

Losses of Sole Proprietorship

No losses of sole proprietorship have been registered, suggesting that sole proprietorship companies have maintained their structure.


No terminations have been registered, which is a good indicator of business survival.


No mergers have been registered, suggesting that companies have not opted to consolidate during this period.

Company Transformations

No company transformations have been registered, indicating stability in the legal form of companies.

Examples of Relevant Companies

Some of the most notable companies in this analysis include:

  • Basso Alcalde Grup SL: With a share capital of 1,221,592.00 euros, it is dedicated to management, advisory, and distribution services, IT, accounting, among others.
  • Giralp Pirineus 2000 SL: With a share capital of 1,850,000.00 euros, it is dedicated to the purchase and sale and leasing of real estate.
  • Lloguers Alcalde SL: With a share capital of 12,589,640.00 euros, although its social object is not specified, it is a large-scale company.
  • Grupo Viader SA: With a share capital of 800,000.00 euros, it is another prominent company in the region.

In conclusion, the Mercantile Registry of Girona shows dynamic and stable business activity, with a significant number of appointments and incorporations, and a low number of resignations and dissolutions. This suggests a positive trend in the growth and stability of companies in the region.