BORME summary in GIRONA on 2024-09-02.

Financial Analysis of Companies in Girona

Financial Analysis of Companies in Girona

Report Date: 2024-09-02

This financial analysis focuses on the commercial activities registered in the province of Girona. Below are the most relevant facts based on the available data.

Commercial Register

The commercial register of Girona has witnessed a series of significant business activities. Among the analyzed companies, several types of administrative and corporate acts stand out, reflecting the dynamics of the business environment in the region.


The total number of registered appointment acts is 11. This data suggests considerable movement in company management, indicating changes in direction and administration. For example, the company Fruites i Verdures Santiago SL has registered an appointment act, which could be related to its expansion strategy in the wholesale trade of fruits and vegetables.


4 acts of constitution have been registered, reflecting the creation of new companies in the region. This is a positive indicator of economic vitality and entrepreneurial spirit in Girona. Among the constituted companies, Visual Premium SL stands out, constituted on June 7, 2005, with a share capital of 207,600 euros and dedicated to building construction and real estate intermediation.


The cessation acts total 5, indicating changes in the structure of companies. These cessations may be due to various reasons, such as internal restructurings or strategic changes. An example is the company Fruites i Verdures Santiago SL, which has registered a cessation act.


No revocation acts have been registered, which can be interpreted as stability in the decisions previously made by companies regarding appointments and powers granted.

Single-member Companies

2 acts of single-member companies have been registered, indicating that some companies have come to be managed by a single partner. An example of this is Visual Premium SL, which has registered a single-member act.

Change of Address

4 acts of change of address have been registered. These changes may be related to expansion strategies or the search for better locations for business operations.

Statutory Modifications

No acts of statutory modifications have been registered. This suggests that companies have maintained their original statutes without the need for significant changes in their legal or functional structure.

Capital Increases

No acts of capital increase have been registered, which could indicate stability in the financing needs of companies or sufficiency of current resources.


5 acts of dissolution have been registered, indicating that some companies have ceased their operations. This data is important to understand the market dynamics and the possible difficulties faced by some companies.


3 acts of re-election have been registered, suggesting continuity in the management of some companies. An example of this is Rhodes 81 SL, which has registered a re-election act.

Bankruptcy Situations

No bankruptcy situations have been registered, which is a positive indicator of the solvency and financial stability of companies in Girona.

Change of Purpose

2 acts of change of purpose have been registered, indicating that some companies have decided to modify their main activity. These changes may be motivated by new market opportunities or strategic adjustments.

Change of Name

No acts of change of name have been registered, suggesting stability in the corporate identity of companies.

Capital Reductions

No acts of capital reduction have been registered, which can be interpreted as stability in the financial structure of companies.

Expansion of Purpose

No acts of expansion of purpose have been registered, suggesting that companies have maintained their focus on their main activities.

Change of Single-member Company

No acts of change of single-member company have been registered, indicating stability in the corporate structure of companies.

Loss of Single-member Status

No acts of loss of single-member status have been registered, suggesting that single-member companies have maintained their structure.


No acts of extinction have been registered, indicating that there have been no definitive closures of companies beyond the aforementioned dissolutions.


No acts of merger have been registered, suggesting that companies have opted to maintain their independence rather than seeking consolidations.

Company Transformations

No acts of company transformation have been registered, indicating stability in the legal form of companies.

In summary, the analysis of commercial acts in Girona reflects moderate business activity with some changes in the management and structure of companies. Stability in several aspects, such as bankruptcy situations and statutory modifications, suggests a relatively solid business environment. However, dissolutions and cessations indicate that some companies have faced significant challenges.