BORME summary in GRANADA on 2024-07-08.

Financial Analysis of the Granada Commercial Registry

Financial Analysis of the Granada Commercial Registry

Date: 2024-07-08

In this financial analysis, the most relevant data from the Granada Commercial Registry is examined, focusing on the acts registered in various categories. Below, the most notable facts are described, and links to the profiles of some relevant companies are provided for a better understanding.


The total number of registered appointment acts is 17. This high number indicates significant activity in the designation of new positions within companies. For example, the company Promotora Nueva Andalucía SL has registered an appointment, which could reflect a renewal strategy in its management team.


4 constitution acts have been registered, suggesting the creation of new companies in the region. This is a positive indicator of economic growth and entrepreneurship. Although the newly constituted companies are not specified, this data is encouraging for the local market.


The number of resignation acts is 9. This can be interpreted as a sign of restructuring within companies, where changes are being made in management positions. The company Promotora Nueva Andalucía SL has also registered a resignation, which could be related to its recent appointment.


Only one revocation act has been registered. This low number indicates stability in the decisions previously made by companies. An example is the company Telmi Telecom SL, which has registered a revocation.

Changes of Address

5 acts of changes of address have been registered. This number suggests that several companies are seeking new locations, possibly to improve market access or reduce operating costs.

Statutory Modifications

Only one statutory modification act has been registered. This data indicates that companies are maintaining their legal and operational structures relatively stable.

Capital Increases

3 capital increase acts have been registered. This is a good indicator that companies are looking to grow and expand. The company Confecciones Selinac SL, with a share capital of 10,565,511.00 euros, could be among those that have carried out a capital increase, given its size and financial capacity.


Only one dissolution act has been registered, which is a positive indicator of stability in the Granada business market. The low dissolution rate suggests that companies are managing to remain operational.


One re-election act has been registered. This data reflects continuity in the management of companies, which is a sign of confidence in the current leadership.

Bankruptcy Situations

No bankruptcy situation acts have been registered. This is a very positive indicator, as it suggests that companies are not facing serious financial problems leading to insolvency.

Changes of Object

No acts of changes of object have been registered. This indicates that companies are maintaining their main activities without significant changes.

Changes of Name

2 acts of changes of name have been registered. This number suggests that some companies are seeking to renew their image or adapt to new market strategies.

Capital Reductions

No acts of capital reductions have been registered. This is a good indicator that companies are not decreasing their financial capacity.

Object Expansions

No acts of object expansions have been registered. This suggests that companies are focused on their current activities without diversifying into new areas.

Changes of Sole Proprietorship

No acts of changes of sole proprietorship have been registered. This indicates stability in the ownership structure of companies.

Losses of Sole Proprietorship

No acts of losses of sole proprietorship have been registered. This suggests that sole proprietorship companies are maintaining their structure without changes.


No acts of extinctions have been registered. This is a positive indicator that companies are managing to remain operational and are not closing their doors.


No acts of mergers have been registered. This suggests that companies are operating independently and are not seeking to combine with other entities.

Company Transformations

One company transformation act has been registered. This data indicates that at least one company has decided to change its legal structure, possibly to better adapt to its operational or strategic needs.


In summary, the analysis of the Granada Commercial Registry shows dynamic business activity with a focus on stability and growth. Companies are making appointments and capital increases, while the low incidence of dissolutions and bankruptcy situations is a positive indicator of the financial health of the business environment. Companies like Promotora Nueva Andalucía SL and Confecciones Selinac SL are contributing to this positive outlook, showing signs of renewal and expansion.