BORME summary in GUADALAJARA on 2024-07-24.

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Guadalajara

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Guadalajara

Date: July 24, 2024


This report offers a detailed analysis of the acts registered in the Commercial Registry of Guadalajara. The most relevant data in various categories are examined, providing a comprehensive view of business activity in the province.

Summary of Registered Acts

The Commercial Registry of Guadalajara has registered a total of 14 appointment acts and 5 constitution acts. Additionally, 5 cessations and 1 revocation have been recorded. Regarding unipersonal acts, 4 have been registered, while changes of address and statutory modifications have been 1 each. There have been 2 capital increases and 1 dissolution. Also, 1 re-election and 1 name change have been registered.

Detailed Analysis


The 14 appointment acts reflect significant dynamism in business management. This high number indicates constant renewal and adaptation in the management structures of companies in Guadalajara.


With 5 constitution acts, a moderate trend in the creation of new companies is observed. This data is positive, as it shows that despite possible economic uncertainties, there is still entrepreneurial initiative in the province.

Cessations and Revocations

The 5 cessations and the single revocation suggest a certain stability in managerial positions, although they also indicate some changes necessary for adaptation to new circumstances or business strategies.

Unipersonal Acts

The 4 unipersonal acts reflect the existence of companies managed by a single partner, which may have implications in terms of responsibility and quick decision-making.

Changes of Address and Statutory Modifications

The fact that there is only one change of address and one statutory modification suggests relative stability in the location and internal rules of the registered companies.

Capital Increases

The 2 capital increases indicate an injection of financial resources into some companies, which is a positive sign of growth and expansion. These increases may be intended for new projects, expansion of operations, or infrastructure improvement.


The single dissolution recorded is encouraging data, as it shows a low rate of company closures, which can be interpreted as a sign of economic stability in the province.


The recorded re-election suggests continuity in the management of at least one company, which can be beneficial for its stability and sustained growth.

Bankruptcy Situations

No bankruptcy situations have been recorded, which is a positive indicator of the financial health of companies in Guadalajara. The absence of creditor contests suggests that companies are adequately managing their debts and financial obligations.

Changes of Object and Name

No changes of object have been recorded, but there has been one name change. The latter may indicate rebranding or a marketing strategy to improve the company's image in the market.

Capital Reductions and Object Expansions

No capital reductions or object expansions have been recorded, suggesting that companies have not needed to significantly adjust their financial resources or main activities.

Changes and Losses of Unipersonal Company

No changes or losses of unipersonal company have been recorded, indicating stability in the ownership structures of unipersonal companies.

Dissolutions, Mergers, and Company Transformations

No dissolutions, mergers, or company transformations have been recorded, suggesting stability in the organizational and legal structure of companies in Guadalajara.


In summary, the analysis of the acts registered in the Commercial Registry of Guadalajara shows a province with a dynamic and stable business environment. The high number of appointments and constitutions, along with the low rate of dissolutions and the absence of bankruptcy situations, are indicative of a healthy and growing local economy. Companies in Guadalajara appear to be well-managed and adequately adapting to market conditions.