BORME summary in HUELVA on 2024-07-18.

Financial Analysis of Companies in Huelva

Financial Analysis of Companies in Huelva

Report Date: July 18, 2024

This analysis examines the most relevant facts related to the activities registered in the Huelva Mercantile Registry. Below is a detailed breakdown of the main activities and corporate events that have taken place in the companies of this province.

Huelva Mercantile Registry

The Huelva Mercantile Registry has witnessed various corporate activities that reflect the dynamism and evolution of the business fabric in the region. These activities include appointments, incorporations, cessations, statutory modifications, among others.


A total of 8 appointment acts have been registered. This number indicates significant activity in the renewal and designation of managerial positions in companies. For example, the company Puerto Melchor Agropecuaria SL, with a share capital of 1,440,100.00 euros, has made a recent appointment, which could be indicative of a strategy to strengthen its management team.


4 acts of new company incorporations have been carried out. This data is encouraging as it suggests growth in the creation of new business entities in Huelva. The company Huelva Desarrollo Agricola SA, incorporated on December 12, 2000, with a share capital of 2,498,833.00 euros, is an example of an entity that has contributed to the economic development of the region over the years.


2 cessation acts have been registered. These acts may be related to strategic changes or internal restructurings. For example, Real Club Recreativo de Huelva SAD, with a share capital of 14,038,012.00 euros, has registered a cessation, which could be linked to adjustments in its organizational structure.


No revocation acts have been registered during this period. The absence of revocations may be an indicator of stability in corporate decisions and confidence in current managers.


1 unipersonality act has been registered. This type of act reflects the conversion of a company into a sole proprietorship, which may have implications for decision-making and ownership structure.

Address Changes

1 address change act has been registered. Address changes may be motivated by the search for better business opportunities or logistical needs.

Statutory Modifications

3 statutory modification acts have been registered. These acts indicate adjustments in the internal rules of the companies to adapt to new circumstances or strategies. For example, Huelva Desarrollo Agricola SA has registered a statutory modification, which could be related to changes in its corporate purpose or organizational structure.

Capital Increases

No capital increase acts have been registered. The lack of capital increases could indicate that companies have not needed to increase their own funds during this period.


No dissolution acts have been registered. The absence of dissolutions is a positive sign of stability and continuity in the business fabric of Huelva.


1 re-election act has been registered. Re-elections indicate continuity in the confidence placed in current managers. For example, the company Seronuba SL, with a share capital of 900,000.00 euros, has registered a re-election, suggesting a positive assessment of its management.

Bankruptcy Situations

No bankruptcy situation acts have been registered. The absence of bankruptcies is an indicator of financial health in Huelva companies.

Object Changes

No object change acts have been registered. Stability in the corporate purpose of companies may reflect clarity in their mission and vision in the long term.

Name Changes

No name change acts have been registered. The permanence in corporate names may be a sign of continuity and brand recognition in the market.

Capital Reductions

No capital reduction acts have been registered. Stability in the share capital of companies is an indicator of financial strength.

Object Extensions

No object extension acts have been registered. The lack of object extensions may indicate that companies are focused on their main activities.

Sole Proprietorship Changes

No sole proprietorship change acts have been registered. Stability in ownership structure is a positive sign of continuity in business management.

Loss of Sole Proprietorship

No loss of sole proprietorship acts have been registered. Continuity in the sole proprietorship structure reflects stability in the ownership of companies.


No extinction acts have been registered. The absence of extinctions is a positive indicator of the operational continuity of companies in Huelva.


No merger acts have been registered. The lack of mergers may indicate that companies have chosen to maintain their independence and autonomy.

Company Transformations

No company transformation acts have been registered. Stability in the legal form of companies is a sign of continuity and confidence in their current structure.

In conclusion, the Huelva Mercantile Registry has reflected dynamic and stable business activity during the analyzed period. Companies in the region, such as Huelva Desarrollo Agricola SA, Real Club Recreativo de Huelva SAD, and Seronuba SL, have shown a trend towards stability and growth, with a focus on continuity and adaptation to new market circumstances.