BORME summary in HUESCA on 2024-07-08.

Financial Analysis of the Huesca Mercantile Registry

Financial Analysis of the Huesca Mercantile Registry

Report date: July 8, 2024

This report presents a detailed analysis of the acts registered in the Huesca Mercantile Registry. Below, the most relevant facts are described, referring to the most prominent companies and their respective activities.

Registered Acts

The Huesca Mercantile Registry has registered a total of 17 appointment acts, indicating significant activity in the renewal and assignment of managerial positions in the region's companies. Among the companies that have made appointments is Grupo Barrabes Consul SL, a company with a share capital of 312,684.00 euros and whose corporate purpose includes the purchase, subscription, exchange, and sale of securities.

Regarding constitution acts, 3 have been registered, reflecting moderate growth in the creation of new companies in Huesca. This data is relevant as it shows a continuous interest in entrepreneurship and investment in the region.

There have been 7 cessation acts registered, which could indicate a turnover in managerial positions or internal restructuring in some companies. No revocation acts have been registered, suggesting stability in previously made decisions.

In relation to sole proprietorships, 3 acts have been registered, reflecting a trend towards simplification in the structure of some companies. An example of this is Akout Advice SL, a company with a share capital of 11,000,000.00 euros and whose corporate purpose has been expanded to include the provision of tax, accounting, labor, economic, administrative, commercial, and legal advisory services.

Only one address change act has been registered, indicating stability in the location of companies. Likewise, one statutory modification act has been registered, which could reflect minor adjustments in the statutes of a company to adapt to new regulations or strategies.

Regarding capital increases, 2 acts have been registered, showing an intention to strengthen the financial structure of some companies. No dissolution acts have been registered, which is a positive indicator of business stability in Huesca.

There have been 2 re-election acts registered, suggesting continuous confidence in the current directors by shareholders. An example of this is Moyde Pirineos SA, which has registered re-election acts and has a share capital of 300,000.00 euros. Its corporate purpose includes wholesale and retail trade, assembly, and installation of construction materials, glass, and installation articles.

In terms of bankruptcy situations, only one act has been registered, indicating that only one company has faced significant financial difficulties. This is a good indicator of the general economic health of companies in the region.

One object change act has been registered, which could reflect a diversification in the activities of a company to adapt to new market opportunities.

No acts of name changes, capital reductions, object expansions, sole proprietorship changes, loss of sole proprietorship, extinctions, mergers, or company transformations have been registered. This suggests stability in the structure and denomination of companies in Huesca.


In summary, the Huesca Mercantile Registry shows moderate activity in terms of appointments, constitutions, and cessations. Stability in revocation acts, address changes, and dissolutions is a positive indicator of business health in the region. Capital increases and re-election acts reflect continuous confidence in the current management of companies.

The presence of sole proprietorship acts and object changes suggests a trend towards simplification and diversification in business activities. Overall, the business outlook in Huesca is positive, with notable stability and moderate growth in the creation of new companies.

For more information about the mentioned companies, you can visit their respective profiles at the following links: