BORME summary in HUESCA on 2024-07-18.

Financial Analysis of the Huesca Commercial Registry

Financial Analysis of the Huesca Commercial Registry

Analysis date: July 18, 2024

This financial report aims to analyze the most relevant data from the Huesca Commercial Registry, based on various columns of interest that reflect commercial activity in this province. Below are the most significant facts:

Commercial Registry and Business Activity

The Huesca Commercial Registry has recorded a total of 16 acts of appointments, 8 acts of incorporations, 4 acts of cessations, and 1 act of revocations. These data show constant activity in terms of the creation and management of companies in the province.


Acts of appointments are crucial for the organizational structure of companies. In Huesca, 16 acts of appointments have been recorded, indicating dynamism in business management. An example of an active company in this aspect is Sociedad Aragonesa de Curtición de Ovinos SA, which has carried out 1 act of re-election, showing stability in its management.


The number of incorporations, which amounts to 8, reflects a favorable environment for the creation of new companies. This data is encouraging for the economic development of the region. Companies like Alternative Swine Nutrition SL, incorporated in 2014, have significantly contributed to economic growth with a share capital of 11,161,000.00 euros.

Cessations and Revocations

Acts of cessations (4) and revocations (1) are indicators of changes in the administration of companies. These movements may be due to internal restructurings or strategic adjustments. For example, Servicios e Infraestructuras Hosteleros del Viejo Aragón SL has recorded 1 act of cessation, which may imply a reorganization in its management structure.

Other Relevant Acts

In addition to the mentioned acts, the Huesca Commercial Registry has documented other important events that reflect the evolution and adaptation of companies to market conditions.

Unipersonalities and Changes of Address

2 acts of unipersonalities and 1 act of change of address have been recorded. These acts indicate adjustments in the ownership structure and location of companies, which may be a strategy to optimize operations. Sociedad Aguas Residuales Pirineos SA, with a share capital of 7,523,400.00 euros, has not recorded changes in its address, suggesting stability in its operational location.

Statutory Modifications and Capital Increases

The registry shows 1 act of statutory modification and no acts of capital increase. Statutory modifications are essential to adapt the internal regulations of companies to new legal or strategic realities. The absence of capital increases may indicate that companies are operating with existing capital without the need for additional injections.

Dissolutions and Insolvency Situations

No acts of dissolutions have been recorded, which is a positive indicator of business sustainability in Huesca. However, 2 acts of insolvency situations have been documented, reflecting financial challenges for some companies. It is crucial to monitor these cases to better understand the causes and seek solutions that can prevent future insolvencies.

Changes of Object and Name

1 act of name change and no acts of change of object have been recorded. Name changes can be part of a rebranding strategy to improve corporate image or better align with business activities. Sociedad Aragonesa de Curtición de Ovinos SA, for example, has not recorded changes in its name, maintaining its identity since its incorporation in 1999.


In summary, the Huesca Commercial Registry shows dynamic business activity with a balance between the creation of new companies and the management of existing ones. Companies in Huesca are adapting to market conditions through appointments, cessations, and statutory modifications. The stability in the incorporation of new companies and the absence of dissolutions are positive signs for the economic environment of the province.

Prominent companies like Alternative Swine Nutrition SL and Sociedad Aguas Residuales Pirineos SA continue to play a crucial role in the economic development of Huesca, with significant share capitals and social objects ranging from animal nutrition to wastewater management.

It is essential to continue monitoring these indicators to ensure sustained growth and address any financial challenges that may arise in the future.