BORME summary in LA RIOJA on 2024-07-08.
Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of La Rioja
Report Date: 2024-07-08
This financial analysis is based on the data provided by the Commercial Registry of La Rioja. Below, the most relevant facts related to the acts registered in this province are described, with special mention of some prominent companies.
The total number of registered appointment acts is 9. This data reflects dynamism in business management, indicating changes in the direction and administration of companies. An example of a company with an appointment act is CONSURIOJA SL, which has a share capital of 10,500,000.00 euros.
There have been 2 acts of new company constitution registered. This indicator is crucial for measuring growth and the creation of new business opportunities in the region. Although the newly constituted companies are not specified, this number suggests a favorable environment for entrepreneurship.
The number of registered resignations is 8. This data may reflect changes in the organizational structure of companies, either due to internal restructuring or other reasons. Companies like PLAZA ARNEDO SL, with a share capital of 500,000.00 euros, have registered a resignation act.
There has been 1 revocation act registered. This type of act may imply the annulment of previous decisions, which can be indicative of adjustments in business strategy.
Sole Proprietorships
There have been 2 acts of sole proprietorship registered. This data reflects the transformation of companies into sole proprietorships, which may have implications for their management and control.
Address Changes
The number of registered address changes is 3. This indicator may reflect the search for better strategic locations or the geographical expansion of companies.
Statutory Modifications
There have been 2 acts of statutory modifications registered. These types of acts are important as they reflect changes in the internal rules governing the functioning of companies. An example is the company ELECTRICIDAD GUERRA SA, which has a share capital of 1,502,000.00 euros and has registered a statutory modification.
Capital Increases
No capital increase acts have been registered. This data can be interpreted in various ways, either as a sign of financial stability or as a lack of need to increase financial resources.
The number of registered dissolutions is 3. This indicator is crucial as it reflects the closure of companies, which can have various causes, from financial problems to strategic decisions. Companies like CONSURIOJA SL and PLAZA ARNEDO SL have registered dissolution acts.
No re-election acts have been registered. This data may indicate stability in the administrative bodies of companies.
Insolvency Situations
There has been 1 insolvency situation act registered. This type of act is significant as it reflects serious financial problems that can lead to the insolvency of the company.
Object Changes
No object change acts have been registered. This data may indicate that companies maintain their original business lines without the need for diversification.
Name Changes
No name change acts have been registered. This indicator may reflect stability in the corporate identity of companies.
Capital Reductions
No capital reduction acts have been registered. This data can be interpreted as a sign of financial stability, as companies have not needed to decrease their share capital.
Object Extensions
No object extension acts have been registered. This data may indicate that companies have not seen the need to diversify their activities.
Sole Proprietorship Changes
There has been 1 act of change to sole proprietorship registered. This type of act can have implications for the ownership and control structure of the company.
Losses of Sole Proprietorship
No acts of loss of sole proprietorship have been registered. This data may indicate that companies constituted as sole proprietorships have maintained this structure.
No extinction acts have been registered. This data can be interpreted as a positive sign, as there have been no definitive closures of companies.
No merger acts have been registered. This data may indicate a lack of consolidation in the business market of the region.
Company Transformations
No company transformation acts have been registered. This data may reflect stability in the legal structures of companies.
In conclusion, the analysis of the data from the Commercial Registry of La Rioja shows a panorama of stability with some indicators of dynamism in business management. Although there are some acts of dissolution and insolvency situations, the number of constitutions and appointments suggests a favorable environment for entrepreneurship and renewal in the administration of companies.