BORME summary in LA RIOJA on 2024-08-16.

Financial Analysis of Commercial Activity in La Rioja

Financial Analysis of Commercial Activity in La Rioja

Report date: August 16, 2024

This report presents a detailed analysis of commercial activity in the province of La Rioja, based on the most recent available data. Below, the most relevant facts are described in various areas of interest, such as appointments, incorporations, resignations, and other commercial acts.

Commercial Registry: La Rioja

The commercial registry of La Rioja has recorded a total of 14 appointments, 9 incorporations, and 5 resignations. These data reflect moderate activity in terms of changes in the structure of companies, with a significant number of new appointments and incorporations compared to resignations.


The number of appointment acts stands at 14, indicating active dynamics in the renewal of managerial and administrative positions in the region's companies. For example, the company Construcciones Solana SA has recorded an appointment act, which may indicate a strategy to strengthen its management team. This company has a share capital of 153,125 euros.


In terms of incorporations, 9 acts have been recorded, suggesting a favorable environment for the creation of new companies in La Rioja. Entrepreneurial activity remains robust, which is a good indicator of business confidence in the region.


The registry shows 5 resignations, a relatively low number compared to appointments and incorporations. This can be interpreted as stability in the business structure, with fewer negative changes compared to positive ones.

Revocations and Sole Proprietorships

No revocation acts have been recorded, suggesting continuity in previously made decisions. Regarding sole proprietorships, 6 acts have been recorded, indicating that several companies have opted for this legal structure.

Address Changes

The number of address changes is 2, reflecting low geographical mobility of companies within the region. This data can be interpreted as stability in the location of business operations.

Statutory Modifications and Capital Increases

One statutory modification act and one capital increase act have been recorded. These acts indicate adjustments and expansions in business operations. The company Piritas de Navajún SL, with a share capital of 4,000,000 euros, is an example of a company that might be considering such changes to adapt to new market conditions.

Dissolutions and Re-elections

No dissolutions have been recorded, which is a positive indicator of the operational continuity of companies in the region. One re-election act has been recorded, suggesting confidence in the continuity of current business leaders.

Bankruptcy Situations and Object Changes

No bankruptcy situations or object changes have been recorded, indicating financial and operational stability in La Rioja's companies.

Capital Reductions

Two capital reduction acts have been recorded. These acts may indicate necessary financial adjustments to maintain the operational viability of companies.

Other Commercial Acts

No acts of object expansions, sole proprietorship changes, loss of sole proprietorship, extinctions, mergers, or company transformations have been recorded. This suggests stability in business structures and a lack of need for drastic changes in most companies.

Highlighted Companies

Some of the most notable companies in this analysis include:

  • Rioja Alta Golf Club SL, with a share capital of 572,000 euros, dedicated to the promotion and organization of sports activities.
  • Quelpisa 2000 SL, with a share capital of 2,000,000 euros, dedicated to the manufacture and sale of materials for the footwear industry.

In conclusion, the commercial registry of La Rioja shows stable and growing business activity, with a significant number of new appointments and incorporations, and a low incidence of resignations and dissolutions. The region's companies appear to be well-positioned to face market challenges, with solid financial and operational structures.