BORME summary in LA RIOJA on 2024-08-21.

Financial Analysis of Companies in La Rioja

Financial Analysis of Companies in La Rioja

Report date: 2024-08-21

This report presents a detailed analysis of the activities registered in the Commercial Registry of La Rioja, based on various business acts. Below, the most relevant facts and their impact on the business fabric of the region are described.

Commercial Registry and Business Acts

The Commercial Registry of La Rioja has recorded a series of business acts that reflect the dynamics and evolution of companies in the region. These acts include appointments, incorporations, resignations, revocations, sole proprietorships, address changes, statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, re-elections, insolvency situations, object changes, name changes, capital reductions, object expansions, changes to sole proprietorships, loss of sole proprietorship, terminations, mergers, and company transformations.

Appointments and Incorporations

In the analyzed period, 13 acts of appointments and 6 acts of incorporations have been recorded. These data reflect moderate business activity in terms of the creation of new companies and the designation of new executive positions. A notable company in this area is LABELGRAFIC SA, with a share capital of 1,009,700.00 euros, which has not recorded any act of appointment or incorporation in the analyzed period.

Resignations and Revocations

3 acts of resignations and no revocations have been recorded. Resignations may indicate changes in the executive structure of companies, which may be a reflection of internal adjustments or strategic changes. For example, AUTO OJA SA, with a share capital of 3,009,412.00 euros, has not recorded any resignations or revocations, suggesting stability in its executive structure.

Sole Proprietorships and Address Changes

1 act of sole proprietorship and 3 acts of address changes have been recorded. Address changes may indicate a strategy of expansion or relocation to improve operational efficiency. The company EQUIPOS VINICOLAS SL, with a share capital of 500,000.00 euros, has recorded an address change, which may be related to its growth and expansion strategy in the wine industry.

Statutory Modifications and Capital Increases

2 acts of statutory modifications and 2 acts of capital increases have been recorded. Statutory modifications are changes in the company's statutes that may include adjustments in the capital structure, changes in the corporate purpose, among others. Capital increases reflect an effort to increase the company's financial resources to undertake new projects or expansions. PUERTAS COCITUR SL, with a share capital of 744,000.00 euros, has recorded a statutory modification, which may indicate an adjustment in its business strategy.

Dissolutions and Re-elections

No acts of dissolutions have been recorded, which is a positive indicator of business stability in the region. 3 acts of re-elections have been recorded, reflecting continuity in the management of companies. LABELGRAFIC SA has recorded a re-election, suggesting continuity in its executive team.

Insolvency Situations and Object Changes

1 act of insolvency situation and 1 act of object change have been recorded. Insolvency situations indicate serious financial problems that may lead to the company's insolvency. Object changes reflect a strategy of diversification or change in the business line. In this period, no acts of name changes, capital reductions, object expansions, changes to sole proprietorships, loss of sole proprietorship, terminations, mergers, or company transformations have been recorded.


In summary, the Commercial Registry of La Rioja shows moderate business activity with a significant number of appointments and incorporations, indicating sustained growth in the creation of new companies and the designation of new executive positions. The stability in the executive structure of companies like AUTO OJA SA and the expansion of EQUIPOS VINICOLAS SL reflect a positive dynamic in the business fabric of the region. The absence of dissolutions and a low number of insolvency situations are positive indicators of the financial health of companies in La Rioja.