BORME summary in LA RIOJA on 2024-09-27.

Financial Analysis of the Province of La Rioja

Financial Analysis of the Province of La Rioja

Report date: September 27, 2024

This report provides a detailed analysis of the most relevant facts recorded in the Commercial Registry of La Rioja. Below, the most notable aspects based on the available data are described.

Commercial Registry of La Rioja

The Commercial Registry of La Rioja has recorded a series of acts that reflect business activity in the region. The main facts are detailed below:


A total of 4 appointment acts have been recorded. This number reflects moderate activity in terms of the designation of new positions within companies. An example of a company with an appointment act is ESANPIN RIOJA SL, which has recorded an appointment.


Regarding constitutions, 2 acts have been recorded. This indicates the creation of new companies in the region, which is a positive sign of economic growth and entrepreneurship. However, no specific details about the constituted companies have been provided.

Resignations and Revocations

No resignation or revocation acts have been recorded. This could be interpreted as stability in the management positions of existing companies.

Sole Proprietorships

4 sole proprietorship acts have been recorded, suggesting that there are several companies in La Rioja operating under the sole proprietorship structure. This type of business structure can offer advantages in terms of management and decision-making.

Address Changes

No address change acts have been recorded, indicating that companies in La Rioja have maintained their current locations during the analyzed period.

Statutory Modifications

No statutory modification acts have been recorded, suggesting that companies have not made significant changes to their statutes during this period.

Capital Increases

1 capital increase act has been recorded. This type of act is significant as it may indicate that a company is in the process of expansion or needs additional capital to finance its operations. An example of a company with significant share capital is ESANPIN RIOJA SL, with share capital of 194,500.00 euros.


No dissolution acts have been recorded, which is a positive sign as it indicates that there have been no company closures in the region during the analyzed period.


No re-election acts have been recorded, which could be interpreted as a lack of need to ratify management positions in companies.

Bankruptcy Situations

2 bankruptcy situation acts have been recorded. This is a concerning indicator as it reflects the existence of companies facing significant financial difficulties. However, no specific details about the companies in this situation have been provided.

Object and Name Changes

No object or name change acts have been recorded, suggesting that companies have maintained their original activities and names.

Capital Reductions

2 capital reduction acts have been recorded. This type of act may be a sign that companies are adjusting their capital structures, possibly to improve their financial efficiency.

Object Extensions

No object extension acts have been recorded, indicating that companies have not expanded their business activities during the analyzed period.

Changes in Sole Proprietorship

No acts of changes in sole proprietorship or loss of sole proprietorship have been recorded, suggesting stability in this aspect.

Extinctions, Mergers, and Transformations

No acts of extinctions, mergers, or transformations of society have been recorded. This indicates that there have been no significant changes in the structure of companies in La Rioja.


In summary, the analysis of the data from the Commercial Registry of La Rioja reveals relatively stable business activity with some signs of growth and financial difficulties. The creation of new companies and capital increases are positive indicators, while bankruptcy situations and capital reductions are areas of concern. Companies like ESANPIN RIOJA SL reflect the diversity and dynamism of the business environment in La Rioja.