BORME summary in LAS PALMAS on 2024-07-22.

Financial Analysis of Companies in Las Palmas

Financial Analysis of Companies in Las Palmas

Analysis date: July 22, 2024

This report presents a detailed analysis of the most relevant facts recorded in the Mercantile Registry of Las Palmas, highlighting the most significant movements and changes in various companies in the region. Below, the main activities and corporate events that have taken place are described.

Mercantile Registry of Las Palmas

The Mercantile Registry of Las Palmas has recorded a series of corporate acts that reflect the business dynamics of the region. Among the most notable events are appointments, resignations, revocations, changes of address, statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, insolvency situations, changes of purpose and name, among others.

Appointments and Resignations

In the last period, a total of 9 appointments and 6 resignations have been recorded. These movements indicate internal restructuring and the renewal of management teams in several companies. For example, the company Automáticos Canarios SA has maintained stability in its management team, without recording recent appointments or resignations.

Revocations and Re-elections

There have been 2 revocations and 2 re-elections in the Mercantile Registry of Las Palmas. These acts reflect adjustments in the corporate governance structure of companies. The company Dinosol Supermercados SL, with a share capital of 80,007,265.00 euros, has recorded a revocation, which may indicate a strategic change in its direction.

Changes of Address and Statutory Modifications

In terms of changes of address, 3 acts have been recorded, while statutory modifications total 8. These changes are important as they may reflect adjustments in the operational strategy and legal structure of companies. The company KWS Semillas Canarias SL, dedicated to the research and development of agricultural seeds, has not recorded changes of address or statutory modifications, maintaining stability in its operational structure.

Capital Increases and Dissolutions

One capital increase and one dissolution have been recorded. The capital increase indicates the companies' intention to strengthen their financial base for future investments and growth. The company Automáticos Canarios SA, with a share capital of 219,128.00 euros, has not made recent capital increases, suggesting stability in its current financial structure.

Insolvency Situations

The Mercantile Registry has recorded 3 insolvency situations, reflecting financial difficulties in some companies in the region. These situations are critical and require careful management for the restructuring and possible recovery of the involved companies.

Changes of Purpose and Name

Two changes of purpose and one change of name have been recorded. These changes may indicate a strategic reorientation of companies to adapt to new market opportunities. The company KWS Semillas Canarias SL, with a corporate purpose focused on the research and development of agricultural seeds, has not recorded changes in its corporate purpose, maintaining its focus on the agricultural sector.

Extinctions and Mergers

One extinction has been recorded and no mergers have been recorded in the analyzed period. The extinction of a company may be due to various reasons, including economic unviability or the strategic decision of the owners.

Transformations of Society

No transformations of society have been recorded in the Mercantile Registry of Las Palmas during the analyzed period. Transformations of society involve significant changes in the legal and operational structure of companies, and their absence may indicate stability in the legal form of companies in the region.


In summary, the Mercantile Registry of Las Palmas has recorded a series of corporate acts that reflect the dynamics and evolution of companies in the region. Appointments, resignations, revocations, changes of address, statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, insolvency situations, changes of purpose and name, extinctions, and transformations of society are indicative of business activity and the strategic adjustments that companies are making to adapt to a constantly changing economic environment.

Companies such as Automáticos Canarios SA, KWS Semillas Canarias SL and Dinosol Supermercados SL are examples of entities that have shown different levels of activity and adjustments in their operational and corporate governance structures.

This analysis provides an overview of the business situation in Las Palmas and can serve as a basis for future strategic and financial decisions.