BORME summary in LAS PALMAS on 2024-08-02.

Financial Analysis of Companies in Las Palmas

Financial Analysis of Companies in Las Palmas

Report date: 2024-08-02

This report provides a detailed analysis of the activities recorded in the Commercial Registry of Las Palmas. The data focuses on various business acts such as appointments, incorporations, resignations, revocations, among others. Below, the most relevant facts are described.

Commercial Registry of Las Palmas

The Commercial Registry of Las Palmas has recorded a total of 25 appointment acts, 13 incorporations, 5 resignations, 2 revocations, and 6 sole proprietorships. These data reflect moderate business activity in the region.


Appointment acts are the most frequent, with 25 records. This indicates dynamism in business management, with frequent changes in administrative bodies. An example of this is the company CANFUTURO SL, which has recorded 1 appointment. CANFUTURO SL, incorporated on December 18, 1997, has a share capital of 210,350.00 euros and is dedicated to providing professional services and promoting companies.


There have been 13 acts of incorporations, reflecting growth in the creation of new companies. This data is positive for the local economy, as it indicates a favorable environment for entrepreneurship. Among the incorporated companies, VOLTPRO XXI SL stands out, incorporated on February 28, 2008, with a share capital of 2,062,503.00 euros. This company is dedicated to the production and sale of photovoltaic energy.

Resignations and Revocations

Regarding resignations, 5 acts have been recorded, while revocations amount to 2. These data may indicate changes in the organizational structure of companies. For example, CANFUTURO SL has also recorded 1 resignation, demonstrating some mobility in its management structure.

Sole Proprietorships

The acts of sole proprietorships amount to 6, which may reflect a trend towards simplification in the ownership structure of companies. No losses of sole proprietorship have been recorded, suggesting stability in this aspect.

Statutory Modifications

There have been 4 acts of statutory modifications. These changes may be necessary to adapt to new regulations or to reflect changes in business strategy. An example of a statutory modification is the one made by VIVIENDAS DE SAN BARTOLOME DE TIRAJANA SL, a company with a share capital of 1,762,887.00 euros, dedicated to promoting the construction of housing and other buildings.

Bankruptcy Situations

There have been 2 acts of bankruptcy situations, which may indicate financial difficulties in some companies. This data is important for investors and creditors, as it reflects the financial health of the business sector in the region.

Other Acts

No acts of capital increases, dissolutions, re-elections, changes of purpose, changes of name, capital reductions, purpose extensions, changes of sole proprietorship, losses of sole proprietorship, extinctions, mergers, or company transformations have been recorded. This absence of acts may indicate stability in these specific aspects of business management.


In summary, the Commercial Registry of Las Palmas shows dynamic business activity, with a significant number of appointments and incorporations. Stability in acts such as capital increases and dissolutions suggests a relatively stable business environment. Companies like CANFUTURO SL and VOLTPRO XXI SL stand out for their activity and contribute to the economic growth of the region.