BORME summary in LAS PALMAS on 2024-08-05.

Financial Analysis of Companies in Las Palmas

Financial Analysis of Companies in Las Palmas

Analysis date: 2024-08-05

This report presents the most relevant facts related to the commercial activities of companies registered in the province of Las Palmas. The data has been extracted from a set of records that include various corporate actions such as appointments, incorporations, resignations, revocations, single-member companies, changes of address, statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, re-elections, insolvency situations, changes of purpose, changes of name, capital reductions, expansions of purpose, changes of single-member company, losses of single-member status, terminations, mergers, and company transformations.

Commercial Register

The commercial register of Las Palmas has been the epicenter of a series of administrative and corporate acts that reflect the business dynamics of the region. Below are the most relevant facts:


A total of 21 appointment acts have been registered. This number indicates significant activity in the designation of new positions within companies, which may be related to expansions, reorganizations, or the entry of new investors. For example, the company Muebles Atlántico Norte SL has registered a recent appointment, which could indicate a renewal strategy in its management team.


6 acts of incorporation of new companies have been carried out. This data is a positive indicator of the creation of new entities in the region, which may be associated with a favorable environment for entrepreneurship. The company Sociedad de Garantías y Avales de Canarias, SGR, incorporated in 2015, is an example of how new companies can establish and grow in Las Palmas.


10 acts of resignations have been registered, which may reflect changes in the organizational structure of companies. These resignations may result from retirements, resignations, or dismissals. It is important to monitor these changes to better understand the internal dynamics of companies.


Only 1 act of revocation has been registered, suggesting that stability in appointments is relatively high. Revocations usually occur when there are disagreements or significant strategic changes.

Single-member Companies

2 acts of single-member companies have been registered, indicating that some companies have come to be managed by a single partner. This change can have implications for decision-making and the ownership structure of companies.

Changes of Address

4 acts of changes of address have been registered. These types of changes may be motivated by strategic reasons, such as the search for better locations or the optimization of operating costs. For example, the company Gastronomía Gel Due SL has registered a change of address, which could be related to an expansion or relocation strategy.

Statutory Modifications

8 acts of statutory modifications have been carried out. These changes may include adjustments to the company's statutes to adapt to new legislation, changes in the corporate purpose, or in the capital structure.

Capital Increases

3 acts of capital increases have been registered. Capital increases are an indication that companies are seeking additional financing to expand their operations or to strengthen their financial position. For example, the company Ara Krulich SA, with a share capital of 5,930,006.00 euros, might consider a capital increase to finance new projects.


No acts of dissolution have been registered, which is a positive indicator of business stability in the region. The absence of dissolutions suggests that companies are managing to remain operational and solvent.


3 acts of re-elections have been registered, indicating that some companies have opted to retain their current directors, which may reflect confidence in their management and the strategic direction they are taking.

Insolvency Situations

No acts of insolvency situations have been registered, which is a positive indicator of the financial health of companies in Las Palmas. The absence of bankruptcy proceedings suggests that companies are adequately managing their debts and financial obligations.

Changes of Purpose

No acts of changes of purpose have been registered, indicating that companies are maintaining their main activities without the need to make significant adjustments to their corporate purpose.

Changes of Name

1 act of change of name has been registered, which may be related to rebranding or strategic changes in the company's corporate image.

Capital Reductions

No acts of capital reductions have been registered, which is a positive indicator that companies are not needing to adjust their share capital downwards, thus maintaining their financial capacity.

Expansions of Purpose

No acts of expansions of purpose have been registered, suggesting that companies are maintaining their focus on their main activities without the need to diversify into new areas.

Changes of Single-member Company

2 acts of changes of single-member company have been registered, indicating that some companies have decided to change their ownership structure to single-member management.

Losses of Single-member Status

No acts of losses of single-member status have been registered, suggesting that companies that have adopted this structure are maintaining it without changes.


No acts of terminations have been registered, which is a positive indicator of the operational continuity of companies in the region.


No acts of mergers have been registered, suggesting that there have been no significant consolidation movements among companies in this period.

Company Transformations

No acts of company transformations have been registered, indicating that companies are maintaining their current legal structures without the need for significant changes.

In summary, the commercial register of Las Palmas shows dynamic business activity with a significant number of appointments, incorporations, and statutory modifications. Financial stability is evident with the absence of dissolutions and insolvency situations, which is a positive indicator for the region.