BORME summary in LAS PALMAS on 2024-09-12.
Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Las Palmas
Date: September 12, 2024
This financial analysis focuses on the most relevant data from the Mercantile Registry of Las Palmas, highlighting the registered commercial acts up to the mentioned date. Below, the most significant facts in the different categories of commercial acts are described.
The number of registered appointment acts is 26. This data reflects constant activity in the renewal and designation of positions within companies. A notable example is the company Naviera Armas SA, which although has not registered appointment acts recently, is a relevant entity in the sector with a share capital of 68,519,180.00 euros.
10 constitution acts have been registered, indicating a moderate level of new company creation in the region. This data is crucial to evaluate the economic dynamism and business confidence in Las Palmas.
The number of resignation acts is also 10. This data, along with the appointments, may indicate a turnover rate of executive personnel. Stability in executive positions is fundamental for the continuity and success of companies.
3 revocation acts have been registered. These types of acts are usually related to strategic decisions and changes in business management. The company AMFM Vending SL, with a share capital of 6,000,000.00 euros, has registered a revocation act, which could indicate adjustments in its organizational structure.
Sole Proprietorships
The registry shows 3 sole proprietorship acts, reflecting the existence of companies operating under the figure of a single partner. This type of structure can have advantages in terms of quick and efficient decision-making.
Address Changes
3 address change acts have been registered. This data may indicate the expansion or strategic relocation of companies to improve their operations or access new markets.
Statutory Modifications
The number of statutory modification acts is 5. These changes are essential to adapt companies to new regulations, business strategies, or changes in the company's structure. The company Asfaltos de Arinaga SA, with a share capital of 1,254,381.00 euros, has recently registered a statutory modification to expand its corporate purpose.
Capital Increases
1 capital increase act has been registered. Capital increases are indicators of business growth and expansion. They allow companies to increase their financial capacity to undertake new projects or investments.
No dissolution acts have been registered, which is a positive indicator reflecting the stability and continuity of companies in the region.
1 re-election act has been registered. This type of act reflects confidence in the current management and continuity in business leadership. The company Naviera Armas SA has registered a re-election, highlighting stability in its leadership.
Bankruptcy Situations
No bankruptcy situation acts have been registered, which is an excellent indicator of the financial health of companies in the region.
Changes of Purpose
1 change of purpose act has been registered. These types of acts allow companies to adapt to new business opportunities or diversify their activities. The company Asfaltos de Arinaga SA has expanded its corporate purpose to include new activities related to the storage and trade of fuels.
Changes of Name
No name change acts have been registered, indicating stability in the corporate identity of companies.
Capital Reductions
No capital reduction acts have been registered, which is a positive indicator of the financial stability of companies.
Purpose Expansions
No purpose expansion acts have been registered, except for the previously mentioned case of Asfaltos de Arinaga SA. This may indicate that companies are operating within their established business areas.
Changes of Sole Proprietorship
1 change of sole proprietorship act has been registered. This type of act may reflect a transition in the ownership structure of the company.
Losses of Sole Proprietorship
No losses of sole proprietorship acts have been registered, which is a positive indicator reflecting the continuity of existing business structures.
No extinction acts have been registered, which is a good indicator of the continuity and permanence of companies in the region.
No merger acts have been registered, which may indicate that companies are focused on organic growth rather than through acquisitions or mergers.
Transformations of Company
No company transformation acts have been registered, suggesting stability in the legal structures of companies.
In summary, the analysis of the registered commercial acts in Las Palmas shows stability and continuity in business operations. The absence of dissolutions, bankruptcy situations, and extinctions, along with the presence of appointments, resignations, and statutory modifications, indicates a dynamic and healthy business environment.