BORME summary in LAS PALMAS on 2024-09-27.

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Las Palmas

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Las Palmas

Date: 2024-09-27

This report offers a detailed analysis of the acts registered in the Mercantile Registry of Las Palmas, highlighting the most relevant facts in various categories. Below is a summary of the most significant data.


The total number of registered appointment acts amounts to 36. This data reflects constant activity in the designation of new positions within companies. An example of this type of act is the one registered by Dehesa de Jandía SA, a company with a share capital of 282,500,000.00 euros.


18 acts of constitution have been registered, indicating growth in the creation of new companies in the region. This business dynamism is crucial for local economic development.


The number of registered terminations is 9, a figure that can be interpreted as an indicator of changes in the organizational structure of companies. For example, CLOARM SL, with a share capital of 4,502,747.00 euros, has registered a termination in its structure.


3 acts of revocation have been registered. This type of act is usually related to the annulment of previously granted powers, which may indicate internal restructuring.

Sole Proprietorships

The registry shows 10 acts of sole proprietorship, indicating that several companies have adopted the figure of a sole proprietorship. This change may be motivated by the search for greater flexibility in business management.

Address Changes

5 acts of address changes have been registered. This type of movement may be related to expansion strategies or the search for better operating conditions.

Statutory Modifications

The number of statutory modifications amounts to 14. These modifications may include changes in the corporate purpose, capital structure, among other aspects. An example of a company that has made statutory modifications is Las Mesas Sol SL, whose activity includes the construction, promotion, and management of real estate, as well as hairdressing and physiotherapy services.

Capital Increases

6 acts of capital increase have been registered, suggesting that some companies are strengthening their financial structure to undertake new projects or expansions.


The registry shows 1 act of dissolution, a figure that can be interpreted as an indicator of business stability in the region, given that the number is relatively low.


3 acts of re-election have been registered, which can be interpreted as a sign of continuity and confidence in the current management of companies.

Insolvency Situations

The number of registered insolvency situations is 4. This data is relevant as it indicates that some companies are experiencing significant financial difficulties.

Object Changes

No acts of object changes have been registered, suggesting that companies maintain their focus on the activities for which they were constituted.

Name Changes

No acts of name changes have been registered, indicating stability in the corporate identity of companies.

Capital Reductions

2 acts of capital reduction have been registered, which may be related to financial restructuring strategies.

Object Extensions

No acts of object extension have been registered, suggesting that companies are focused on their main activities.

Sole Proprietorship Changes

No acts of sole proprietorship changes have been registered, indicating stability in the legal structure of companies.

Losses of Sole Proprietorship

No acts of losses of sole proprietorship have been registered, suggesting that sole proprietorship companies maintain their structure.


No acts of extinction have been registered, which is a positive indicator of business continuity in the region.


No acts of mergers have been registered, which can be interpreted as a sign that companies prefer to maintain their operational independence.

Company Transformations

No acts of company transformations have been registered, suggesting that companies are satisfied with their current legal structure.

In conclusion, the analysis of the acts registered in the Mercantile Registry of Las Palmas reveals dynamic and constantly evolving business activity. The creation of new companies, capital increases, and statutory modifications are indicative of a growing and adapting business environment. However, it is also important to pay attention to acts of terminations and insolvency situations, which reflect the challenges that some companies may be facing.