BORME summary in LEÓN on 2024-07-26.

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of León

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of León

This report provides a detailed analysis of the activities recorded in the Mercantile Registry of León up to July 26, 2024. The data has been collected from various companies registered in this province, highlighting the most relevant facts in terms of appointments, incorporations, resignations, revocations, unipersonalities, changes of address, statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, re-elections, insolvency situations, changes of object, changes of name, capital reductions, expansions of object, changes of unipersonal company, losses of unipersonality, extinguishments, mergers, and company transformations.

Mercantile Registry of León

The Mercantile Registry of León has witnessed various business activities. Below are the most relevant facts:


A total of 11 appointment acts have been recorded. This number reflects significant activity in the renewal and designation of executive positions in the province's companies. An example of a company with recent activity in this area is Chousa Verde SL, which has recorded 1 appointment.


5 acts of incorporation of new companies have been carried out. This data is a positive indicator of the creation of new entities and economic growth in León. Among the companies recently incorporated is Clínica San Francisco SL, incorporated on July 6, 2005, with a share capital of 1,307,510.00 euros.


The registry shows 4 acts of resignation, indicating changes in the executive structure of some companies. Such movements can be due to various reasons, including internal restructurings or strategic changes.


No acts of revocation have been recorded, suggesting stability in the decisions previously made in the province's companies.


1 act of unipersonality has been recorded. This type of act reflects the transformation of a company into an entity with a single partner, which can have implications for the company's management and control.

Changes of Address

No acts of changes of address have been recorded, indicating stability in the location of the companies registered in León.

Statutory Modifications

No acts of statutory modifications have been recorded, suggesting that companies maintain their statutes without significant changes.

Capital Increases

2 acts of capital increase have been recorded, indicating that some companies are increasing their share capital to finance their growth or new projects. A relevant example is Clínica San Francisco SL, with a share capital of 1,307,510.00 euros.


No acts of dissolution have been recorded, which is a positive indicator of the operational continuity of companies in León.


No acts of re-election have been recorded, suggesting stability in current executive positions.

Insolvency Situations

1 act of insolvency situation has been recorded, indicating that at least one company has faced significant financial difficulties. This type of act is crucial for the restructuring and possible recovery of the affected company.

Changes of Object

2 acts of change of object have been recorded. This type of act reflects the adaptation of companies to new business opportunities or changes in their strategy. An example is Clínica San Francisco SL, which has expanded its corporate purpose to include vocational training.

Changes of Name

No acts of change of name have been recorded, indicating that companies maintain their trade names without modifications.

Capital Reductions

No acts of capital reduction have been recorded, suggesting that companies have not needed to adjust their share capital downwards.

Expansions of Object

No acts of expansion of object have been recorded, indicating that companies have not expanded their activities beyond those already established.

Changes of Unipersonal Company

No acts of change of unipersonal company have been recorded, indicating stability in the corporate structure of companies.

Losses of Unipersonality

No acts of loss of unipersonality have been recorded, suggesting that unipersonal companies have maintained their structure without changes.


No acts of extinguishment have been recorded, which is a positive indicator of the operational continuity of companies in León.


No acts of merger have been recorded, indicating that there have been no significant integrations between companies in the province.

Company Transformations

No acts of company transformation have been recorded, suggesting that companies maintain their legal form without significant changes.


The Mercantile Registry of León shows stable business activity with some significant movements in terms of appointments and incorporations of new companies. The absence of acts of dissolution, extinguishment, and insolvency situations for the most part is a positive indicator of the financial health of companies in the province. The capital increases and changes of object reflect continuous adaptation and growth, while stability in other aspects suggests prudent and sustained management of registered companies.