BORME summary in LEÓN on 2024-08-05.

Financial Analysis of the León Commercial Registry

Financial Analysis of the León Commercial Registry

Report Date: 2024-08-05

This report provides a detailed analysis of the activities recorded in the León Commercial Registry, highlighting the most relevant facts and their impact on the business environment of the province. Below is a breakdown of the most significant activities.


The number of appointment acts recorded is 8. This data reflects a constant dynamic in the renewal and designation of management positions within the companies in the province. An example of a company with an appointment act is Leonesa de Alquileres Inmobiliarios SL, which has a share capital of 9,225,000.00 euros and whose corporate purpose is the rental of houses, warehouses, and commercial premises.


There have been 4 constitution acts registered, indicating the creation of new companies and, therefore, an expansion of the business fabric in León. This growth is a positive indicator of economic activity in the region.


The number of resignation acts is 4, which can be interpreted as a natural process of renewal within companies, although it can also indicate internal restructurings.


There have been 2 revocation acts registered. These types of acts are usually related to changes in the administration of companies, which may reflect strategic adjustments.


There is 1 unipersonality act registered. This data is relevant as it indicates the existence of companies operating under the figure of a single partner, which can have implications for decision-making and the company's structure.

Address Changes

No address change acts have been registered. This can be interpreted as stability in the location of companies within the province.

Statutory Modifications

No statutory modification acts have been registered, suggesting that companies maintain their statutes without significant changes.

Capital Increases

No capital increase acts have been registered. This data may indicate that companies are not seeking to increase their share capital in this period.


There have been 2 dissolution acts registered. This data is important as it reflects the closure of companies, which can have various causes such as financial problems or strategic decisions. An example of a company with dissolution acts is Laciana Turística SL, with a share capital of 246,071.00 euros and dedicated to the operation of hospitality and catering industries.


There is 1 re-election act registered, indicating continuity in the management positions of some companies. This act can be seen as a sign of stability and confidence in the current management.

Bankruptcy Situations

There have been 2 bankruptcy situation acts registered, which is an indicator of companies experiencing significant financial difficulties. This data is crucial to understand the financial health of companies in the province.

Object Changes

No object change acts have been registered, suggesting that companies maintain their main activities without modifications.

Name Changes

No name change acts have been registered, indicating that companies are not undergoing rebranding or changes in their corporate identity.

Capital Reductions

No capital reduction acts have been registered, which is a positive indicator as companies are not decreasing their share capital.

Object Extensions

No object extension acts have been registered, suggesting that companies are not diversifying their main activities in this period.

Unipersonal Company Changes

No unipersonal company change acts have been registered, indicating that there have been no modifications in the ownership structure of companies.

Loss of Unipersonality

No loss of unipersonality acts have been registered, suggesting stability in companies operating under this figure.


No extinction acts have been registered, which is a positive indicator as there have been no definitive closures of companies in this period.


No merger acts have been registered, indicating that there have been no company integration processes in this period.

Company Transformations

No company transformation acts have been registered, suggesting that companies are not changing their legal form.


In summary, the analysis of the data from the León Commercial Registry shows relatively stable business activity with some indicators of growth and renewal. The creation of new companies and the stability in the location and structure of existing ones are positive signs. However, the presence of dissolution acts and bankruptcy situations also highlights the need for continuous monitoring of the business environment to identify and mitigate potential risks.