BORME summary in LUGO on 2024-09-04.

Financial Analysis of the Lugo Commercial Registry

Financial Analysis of the Lugo Commercial Registry

Report date: 2024-09-04

This financial analysis is based on data obtained from the Lugo Commercial Registry, reflecting various business activities registered to date. Below, the most relevant facts are described in relation to the following columns: registro_mercantil, num_actos_nombramientos, num_actos_constituciones, num_actos_ceses, num_actos_revocaciones, num_actos_unipersonalidades, num_actos_cambios_domicilio, num_actos_modificaciones_estatutarias, num_actos_ampliaciones_capital, num_actos_disoluciones, num_actos_relecciones, num_actos_situaciones_concursal, num_actos_cambios_objeto, num_actos_cambios_denominacion, num_actos_reducciones_capital, num_actos_ampliaciones_objeto, num_actos_cambios_sociedad_unipersonal, num_actos_perdidas_unipersonalidad, num_actos_extinciones, num_actos_fusiones, num_actos_transformaciones_sociedad.

Lugo Commercial Registry

The Lugo Commercial Registry has recorded a total of 24 appointments, 9 incorporations, 9 resignations, and 1 revocation. These data reflect moderate activity in terms of the creation and reorganization of companies in the province.

Appointments and Resignations

The 24 appointment acts and 9 resignation acts indicate active business dynamics, with frequent changes in company management. An example of a company that has registered these acts is LA TOJA SA, a company incorporated in 1903 with a share capital of 1,470,481.00 euros.

Incorporations and Dissolutions

There have been 9 incorporation acts and 2 dissolution acts, suggesting that while new companies are being created, some are also ceasing their activities. The company OTIUM FEVAL SL, incorporated in 2017 with a share capital of 174,000.00 euros, is an example of a new incorporation.

Revocations and Sole Proprietorships

The registry shows 1 revocation act and 7 sole proprietorship acts, indicating that some companies are opting for a sole proprietorship structure, possibly to simplify management and administration. However, no acts of changes in sole proprietorship or losses of sole proprietorship have been registered.

Address Changes and Statutory Modifications

There have been 4 address change acts and 1 statutory modification act. These changes may reflect a relocation strategy to improve operational efficiency or adapt to new market conditions.

Capital Increases and Reductions

No acts of capital increases or reductions have been registered, suggesting stability in the share capital of registered companies. For example, TRANSMONBUS SL, with a share capital of 18,719,000.00 euros, has not made any changes to its capital.

Dissolutions and Re-elections

In addition to the aforementioned dissolutions, 5 re-election acts have been registered, indicating continuity in the management of certain companies. This can be a sign of stability and confidence in the current management.

Bankruptcy Situations and Object Changes

No bankruptcy situations have been registered, which is a positive indicator of the financial health of companies in Lugo. 1 object change act has been registered, which may reflect an adjustment in business strategy to adapt to new market opportunities.

Other Acts

No acts of name changes, object expansions, extinctions, mergers, or company transformations have been registered, suggesting stability in the structure and denomination of companies.


In summary, the Lugo Commercial Registry shows moderate business activity with a focus on stability and continuity. Companies are making changes in their management and address, but not in their share capital or fundamental structure. This may indicate a stable local economy, with companies seeking to adapt and optimize their operations without making drastic changes.

For more details about the mentioned companies, you can visit their profiles at the following links: