BORME summary in MADRID on 2024-07-11.
Financial Analysis of the Madrid Commercial Registry
Analysis date: July 11, 2024
The Madrid Commercial Registry has recorded a series of business acts that reflect the dynamics and evolution of companies in the region. Below is a detailed analysis of the most relevant facts.
The number of registered appointment acts amounts to 318. This high number indicates significant activity in the renewal and designation of positions within companies. Among the notable companies in this area is Compañía Española de Petróleos SA, with a share capital of 268,175,000.00 euros, which has registered one appointment act.
94 acts of new company constitutions have been registered. This data is a positive indicator of entrepreneurship and the creation of new business opportunities in Madrid. Although none of the companies highlighted in this analysis have recently registered constitution acts, the total number reflects a favorable environment for the creation of new entities.
The number of registered resignations is 102. This data can be interpreted as a sign of internal restructuring in various companies, where changes in management or other important positions have occurred. It is important to monitor these changes to better understand the management and adaptation strategies of companies.
50 acts of revocation have been registered. Revocations may be related to the need to adjust previous decisions or changes in business strategy. In this context, Imperial Tobacco España SL, with a share capital of 3,200,003,001.00 euros, has registered two revocation acts, which could indicate significant adjustments in its organizational structure.
Sole Proprietorships
The registry shows 55 acts of sole proprietorships. This data is relevant to understand the ownership structure of companies, where a single natural or legal person owns 100% of the share capital.
Address Changes
40 acts of address change have been registered. Address changes can be motivated by various reasons, such as seeking better tax, logistical, or market conditions. This number reflects significant mobility in the location of companies.
Statutory Modifications
The number of statutory modifications is 33. Statutory modifications are changes in the corporate bylaws of a company, which may include aspects such as the corporate purpose, name, share capital, among others. This data indicates constant activity in the adaptation of companies to new circumstances or strategies.
Capital Increases
22 acts of capital increases have been registered. Capital increases are a sign of growth and financial strengthening of companies. Although none of the companies highlighted in this analysis have recently carried out capital increases, this number reflects an environment of expansion and consolidation.
The number of registered dissolutions is 19. Dissolutions indicate the cessation of company activity, which may be due to various reasons, such as financial problems, mergers, acquisitions, among others.
32 acts of reelections have been registered. Reelections in management positions are a sign of continuity and confidence in the current management of companies.
Bankruptcy Situations
The number of bankruptcy situations is 11. Bankruptcy situations reflect serious financial problems in companies, which may lead to the restructuring of their debts or even liquidation.
Changes in Corporate Purpose
8 acts of changes in corporate purpose have been registered. Changes in corporate purpose indicate a reorientation in the main activities of companies, which may be motivated by new market opportunities or changes in business strategy.
Changes in Name
The number of name changes is 6. Name changes may be related to rebranding or the need to better reflect the main activity of the company.
Capital Reductions
9 acts of capital reductions have been registered. Capital reductions can be a strategy to adjust the financial structure of companies and improve their profitability.
Expansions of Corporate Purpose
No acts of expansions of corporate purpose have been registered. This data indicates that companies have not made significant changes in the expansion of their main activities.
Changes in Sole Proprietorship Status
The number of changes in sole proprietorship status is 5. These changes reflect adjustments in the ownership structure of companies.
Losses of Sole Proprietorship Status
No acts of losses of sole proprietorship status have been registered. This indicates that sole proprietorship companies have maintained their ownership structure without significant changes.
3 acts of extinctions have been registered. Extinctions reflect the definitive closure of companies, which may be due to various reasons, such as insurmountable financial problems or the end of their business life cycle.
The number of registered mergers is 3. Mergers are a strategy to strengthen market position, increase competitiveness, and improve operational efficiency.
Transformations of Company
2 acts of transformations of company have been registered. Transformations of company involve changes in the legal form of companies, which may be motivated by the need to adapt to new legal, fiscal, or market circumstances.
In summary, the Madrid Commercial Registry shows dynamic and diverse business activity. The data reflects both the creation of new companies and the adaptation and restructuring of existing ones. Notable companies such as MAPFRE SA, with a share capital of 307,955,327.00 euros, and Generali Seguros y Reaseguros SA, with a share capital of 323,002,000.00 euros, are examples of entities that continue to evolve in this dynamic environment. This analysis provides a comprehensive view of the current situation and trends in the business environment of Madrid.