BORME summary in MADRID on 2024-09-06.

Financial Analysis of the Madrid Mercantile Registry

Financial Analysis of the Madrid Mercantile Registry

Date: 2024-09-06

This report provides a detailed analysis of the acts registered in the Madrid Mercantile Registry. Below, the most relevant facts related to the different types of registered acts are described.

Registered Acts

In the Madrid Mercantile Registry, a total of 390 appointment acts have been registered, reflecting high activity in the designation of new positions within companies. This number is significant and shows dynamism in business management.

Regarding the incorporation of new companies, 115 acts have been registered. This data is a positive indicator of the creation of new companies and entrepreneurship in the region. An example of a company incorporated in Madrid is SOCIEDAD DE GESTION DE ACTIVOS PROCEDENTES DE LA REESTRUCTURACION BANCARIA SA, which has a share capital of 171,547,200.00 euros.

The resignation acts total 130, indicating a turnover in managerial and executive positions. This number can be interpreted as an adjustment in the organizational structures of companies to adapt to new strategies or market changes.

Regarding revocations, 38 acts have been registered. Revocations can be due to various reasons, such as the termination of contracts or strategic changes within companies.

The acts of sole proprietorships amount to 61. This number reflects the existence of many sole proprietorship companies in Madrid, where one person owns the entire company.

47 acts of address changes have been registered, which may indicate a relocation of companies to improve logistics, reduce costs, or access new markets. An example of a company that might have made an address change is COMPAÑIA ESPAÑOLA DE PETROLEOS SA, a company with a share capital of 268,175,000.00 euros.

In terms of statutory modifications, 44 acts have been registered. Statutory modifications are changes in the company's statutes that can include aspects such as the expansion of the corporate purpose, changes in the capital structure, among others.

The acts of capital increases total 42. Capital increases are important for companies seeking to finance their growth, improve their financial structure, or make new investments.

Regarding dissolutions, 35 acts have been registered. Dissolutions can be due to various reasons, such as economic unviability, mergers, or acquisitions. An example of a company that might be in the process of dissolution is RESIDENCIAL BENJA SA, with a share capital of 212,000,000.00 euros.

The acts of re-elections total 31, indicating continuity in the management of companies, with the re-election of executives and other important positions.

7 acts of insolvency situations have been registered, reflecting companies that are in insolvency or bankruptcy processes. This number is relatively low compared to other acts, which is positive for the region's economy.

Regarding changes of purpose, 11 acts have been registered. Changes in corporate purpose allow companies to adapt their activities to new business opportunities or market changes.

The acts of name changes total 9. Changing the corporate name can be part of a rebranding strategy or a merger.

In terms of capital reductions, 7 acts have been registered. Capital reductions can be a measure to adjust the company's financial structure.

No acts of purpose expansions have been registered, indicating that there have been no significant changes in the main activities of companies.

6 acts of changes in sole proprietorship have been registered. These changes can include the conversion of a sole proprietorship into a company with multiple partners.

No acts of loss of sole proprietorship have been registered, indicating that sole proprietorship companies have maintained their structure.

Only one act of extinction has been registered, indicating the definitive dissolution of a company.

Regarding mergers, only one act has been registered. Mergers are important for market consolidation and the creation of synergies between companies.

No acts of company transformations have been registered, indicating that companies have maintained their legal form.


In summary, the Madrid Mercantile Registry shows high activity in terms of appointments and incorporations of new companies, which is a positive indicator of dynamism and economic growth. The turnover in executive positions and address changes reflect a constant adaptation of companies to market conditions. Capital increases and statutory modifications are signs that companies are seeking to grow and adapt to new opportunities. On the other hand, the low number of insolvency situations and dissolutions is a positive indicator of economic stability in the region.

For more information about the mentioned companies, you can visit their profiles at the following links: