BORME summary in MÁLAGA on 2024-09-02.

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Málaga

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Málaga

Report Date: September 2, 2024

This report provides a detailed analysis of the most relevant events recorded in the Mercantile Registry of Málaga, highlighting the most significant movements and changes in the region's companies. Below, the most important acts and their impact on the business fabric of Málaga are detailed.

Appointments and Dismissals

The number of recorded appointment acts amounts to 42, reflecting significant dynamics in the renewal of the companies' governing bodies. This figure suggests constant activity in business management, with changes in direction that may imply new strategies and approaches for the companies.

In contrast, 12 dismissals have been recorded, which is an indicator of changes in management structures. An example of this is the company MAR DE KORUS SL, which has recorded one dismissal and one appointment, possibly indicating an internal restructuring to improve its management and operations.

Constitutions and Dissolutions

23 acts of new company constitutions have been recorded, which is a positive indicator of the creation of new business initiatives in the region. This dynamism is essential for economic growth and job creation.

On the other hand, 5 dissolutions have been recorded, which, although a smaller number compared to the constitutions, is an aspect to consider as it may reflect economic or strategic difficulties leading to the liquidation of companies.

Revocations and Sole Proprietorships

Regarding revocations, only one act has been recorded, indicating stability in previously made decisions within companies. Additionally, 13 sole proprietorships have been recorded, showing a trend towards simplification in corporate structure, with companies being managed by a single partner.

Address Changes and Statutory Modifications

7 address changes have been recorded, which may respond to strategies for resource optimization or the search for better locations for business activities.

Regarding statutory modifications, only one act has been recorded, suggesting stability in the companies' bylaws, with few needs for changes in the fundamental rules governing their operation.

Capital Increases and Reductions

2 acts of capital increase have been recorded, indicating that some companies are strengthening their financial structure to undertake new projects or improve their solvency. No acts of capital reduction have been recorded, which is a good indicator of financial stability in the region's companies.

Dissolutions and Re-elections

As mentioned earlier, 5 dissolutions have been recorded, which is a data point to monitor to understand the underlying causes leading to the liquidation of companies.

One re-election act has been recorded, showing continuity in the management of some companies, keeping their directors in positions to ensure stability and the achievement of their strategic objectives.

Insolvency Situations and Object Changes

No insolvency situations have been recorded, which is a positive indicator of the financial health of companies in Málaga, with no insolvency cases requiring insolvency proceedings.

2 changes in corporate purpose have been recorded, which may reflect strategic adjustments in business activities to adapt to new market opportunities or changes in the economic environment.

Other Relevant Acts

No acts of name changes, capital reductions, object expansions, changes to sole proprietorship, loss of sole proprietorship, extinctions, mergers, or corporate transformations have been recorded. This fact suggests stability in these aspects, with no significant changes in the structure and names of companies.

Highlighted Examples

A relevant example is the company CONSTRUCTAMP SA, with a share capital of 2,728,585.00 euros. This company has not recorded acts of appointments, dismissals, revocations, or significant changes in its structure, indicating stability in its management and operations.


In summary, the analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Málaga shows dynamic activity in terms of appointments and constitutions, with a significant number of new business projects. Stability in aspects such as statutory modifications and insolvency situations is a positive indicator of financial health and business management in the region. However, it is important to monitor dissolutions and object changes to better understand the trends and challenges faced by companies in Málaga.