BORME summary in MELILLA on 2024-08-19.

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Melilla

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Melilla

Report Date: August 19, 2024

This report analyzes the most relevant data from the Mercantile Registry of Melilla, highlighting the activities registered in different categories. Below is a detailed analysis of each category, with references to the most representative companies in the region.


The total number of appointment acts registered in Melilla amounts to 33. This data reflects considerable activity in terms of business management and administration. An example of a company with activity in this category is MELIMACA SL, which has registered an appointment. MELIMACA SL, established on May 3, 2005, has a share capital of 353,010.00 euros and is engaged in the wholesale and retail trade of food products and beverages, among others.


11 acts of constitutions have been registered, indicating the creation of new companies in the region. This data is positive as it suggests an entrepreneurial environment and a growing economy.


The number of registered terminations is 7. Terminations can be due to various reasons, including changes in the company's structure or internal restructurings. In the case of MELIMACA SL, a termination has been registered.


No acts of revocations have been registered in the analyzed period, which is an indicator of stability in the management positions of the companies.

Single-member Companies

5 acts of single-member companies have been registered. This indicates that some companies have come to be managed by a single partner, which may reflect a strategy of simplification in decision-making.

Change of Address

Only one act of change of address has been registered. This data suggests that most companies maintain their initial location, which may be an indicator of stability.

Statutory Modifications

2 acts of statutory modifications have been registered. Modifications in a company's statutes may be necessary to adapt to new regulations or market changes.

Capital Increases

No acts of capital increases have been registered, which could indicate that companies have not needed to increase their share capital during this period.


2 acts of dissolutions have been registered. The dissolution of a company can be an indicator of economic difficulties or a strategic decision to close operations. MELIMACA SL has registered a dissolution, which is relevant data to analyze its financial situation.


No acts of re-elections have been registered, which may indicate that there has been no need to ratify management positions during this period.

Insolvency Situations

No insolvency situations have been registered, which is a positive indicator as it suggests that companies have not faced insolvencies or severe financial difficulties.

Changes of Object

No acts of changes of object have been registered. This suggests that companies have maintained their main activity without the need to diversify or change their business focus.

Changes of Name

No acts of changes of name have been registered, indicating that companies have maintained their corporate identity.

Capital Reductions

No acts of capital reductions have been registered, which is an indicator that companies have not needed to decrease their share capital.

Object Extensions

No acts of object extensions have been registered, suggesting that companies have not expanded their scope of activities.

Changes to Single-member Companies

No acts of changes to single-member companies have been registered, indicating that companies have not changed their management structure in this regard.

Losses of Single-member Status

No acts of losses of single-member status have been registered, suggesting that single-member companies have maintained their structure.


No acts of extinctions have been registered, which is a positive data as it indicates that there have been no definitive closures of companies.


No acts of mergers have been registered, suggesting that there have been no company integrations during this period.

Company Transformations

No acts of company transformations have been registered, indicating that companies have maintained their original legal form.


In summary, the analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Melilla reflects stable business activity with some positive indicators such as the creation of new companies and the absence of insolvency situations. Companies like MELIMACA SL stand out in this context, although they also face challenges such as the registered dissolution. Stability in aspects such as changes of address and the absence of revocations or re-elections suggests a solid and well-managed business environment.